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S. K. Biswas y Chakravarty, S., «An approach to rural drinking water supply in India», Water resources journal, pp. p. 16-21 : 1 fig., 1997.
B. M. Jackson, «Are we exaggerating the dangers of groundwater pollution from on-site sanitation systems such as pit latrines?», presented at the 1997-08-01, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1997.
WHO. Regional Office for South-East Asia -New Delhi, IN, SEARO, «Arsenic in drinking water and resulting arsenic toxicity in India and Bangladesh : recommendations for action : an outcome of the Regional Consultation, New Delhi, India, 29 April - 1 May 1997». World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, 1997.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, «Asia's water crisis : the struggle within each drop». Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. Video (19 min.) : VHS/PAL, 1997.
Z. A. Mvula Trus Braamfontein y Jeenes, K. A., «Assessment of water resource management principles : study of two Mvula Trust projects in Mpumalanga, South Africa». Mvula Trust, Nelspruit, South Africa, p. 20 p., 1997.
American Society for Testing and Materials -West Conshohocken, PA, US, ASTM, ASTM standards related to on-site septic systems. West Conshohocken, PA, USA: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1997, p. ix, 176 p. : fig., tab.
N. L. I. W. A. C. O. - Rotterdam y Islamabad, P. K. Agri- Bi- Co, «Balochistan Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project : community involvement, hygiene education and gender». IWACO, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p. iv, 30 p. + 8 p. annexes, 1997.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, «Bangladesh : annual economic update 1997 : economic performance, policy issues and priority reforms». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 60 p. : fig., tab., 1997.
SDC -Bern, CH, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation y Copenhagen, D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. -, «Bangladesh integrated water and sanitation programme through partner organizations : NGO Forum for Drinking Water and Sanitation supported by SDC and Danida : appraisal report from a joint SDC/Danida mission visiting Bangladesh from 23/9 to 20/10 1996». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. v, 65 p. : tab., 1997.
CAC International -Montreal, Que, CA y CIDA -Gatineau, Que, CA, Canadian International Development Agency, «Basic human needs field studies : evaluation methodology workbook». Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, Hull, Que, Canada, p. 69 p. : tab., 1997.
B. J. Lloyd, Woudneh, M. B., y Stevenson, D., «The behaviour of 2,4-D as it filters through slow sand filters», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 144-149 : 6 fig., 3 tab., 1997.
Environmental Health Project -Arlington, VA, US, EHP y UNICEF -New York, NY, US. Water and Environmental Sanitation Section, «Better sanitation programming : a UNICEF handbook», vol. no. 5. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vi, 92 p., 64 p. app. : fig. + poster, 1997.
G. Borrini-Feyerabend y Buchan, D., Beyond fences : seeking social sustainability in conservation. Volume 2. A resource book. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1997, p. v, 129 p.
G. Borrini-Feyerabend y Buchan, D., Beyond fences : seeking social sustainability in conservation. Volume 1. A process companion. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1997, p. v, 129 p.
P. Letuka, Matashane, K., y Morolong, B. L., Beyond inequalities : women in Lesotho. Harare, Zimbabwe: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), 1997, p. 60 p. : 16 boxes, 5 fig., 17 tabs.
P. M. Mvula, Kakhongwa, P., y Cammack, D., Beyond inequalities : women in Malawi. Harare, Zimbabwe: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), 1997, p. 68 p. : 19 boxes, 4 fig., 12 tab.
C. V. J. Varma, Gunganah, B., y Ragobar, S., Beyond inequalities : women in Mauritius. Harare, Zimbabwe: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), 1997, p. 80 p. : 13 boxes, 6 fig., 34 tab.
E. M. Iipinge y LeBeau, D., Beyond inequalities : women in Namibia. Harare, Zimbabwe: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), 1997, p. 116 p. : 22 boxes, 2 fig., 24 tab.
T. Flood, Hoosain, M., Primo, N., y Kadalie, R., Beyond inequalities : women in South Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), 1997, p. 92 p. : 20 boxes, 6 fig., 40 tab.
J. M. Hunter, «Bore holes and the vanishing of Guinea worm disease in Ghana's Upper Region», Social science and medicine, pp. p. 71-89 : 1 ill., 5 maps, 9 photogr., 1997.
M. Vasconez, Carrion, A., Goetschel, A. M., Sanchez, N., y Quito, E. C. Centro de, «Breve historia de los servicios en la ciudad de Quito». Centro de Investigaciones CIUDAD, Quito, Ecuador, p. 147 p. : tab., 1997.
M. W. Blokland y Braadbaart, O., «Bridging the urban-rural divide : public water plc's for developing countries : paper prepared for WS[S]CC and ADB meetings November 1997», presented at the 1997-11-01, Delft, The Netherlands, 1997, Draft version II., p. 13 p. : 2 fig., 5 tab.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, «Bringing gender into development theatre : five cases in India», Media Asia : an Asian mass communication quarterly, pp. p. 23-29 : 1 tab., 1997.
Z. C. N. Zana, «Building on peace - upgrading water and sanitation technology in Mozambique», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 21-23 : 2 fig., 1 map, 2 photogr., 1997.
E. Chimbunde y Mtakwa, N., «Building on tradition - Zimbabwe's shallow wells», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 10-12 : 4 photogr., 1997.


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