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C. H. S. K. A. T. - St. Gallen, «SKAT documentation and communication concept». SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 9 p. + annex (18 p.), 1997.
D. Diacon, Slum networking : an innovative approach to urban development. Coalville, UK: Building and Social Housing Foundation, 1997, p. x, 82 p. : 11 fig., 25 photogr., 11 tab.
G. de Bruijne, «Small scale urban waste water treatment in Palestine», in Workshop on sustainable municipal waste water treatment systems, 12-14 November 1996, Leusden, the Netherlands, 1997, pp. P. 201-210 : 1 fig.
I. N. Aims Resea Bhubaneswar, «Social and technical feasibility study of iron removal plants in Phulbani». Aims Research, Bhubaneshwar, India, p. v, 34 p. : 3 fig., 1 map, 22 tab., 1997.
J. Pandey, Pant, S. K., y Bhatt, K. N., «Social assessment study of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in Rohtas District of Bihar». Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, India, p. iv, 56 p. : tab., 1997.
J. Pandey, Pant, S. K., y Bhatt, K. N., «Social assessment study of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar». Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, India, p. iv, 59 p. : tab., 1997.
J. Pandey, Pant, S. K., y Bhatt, K. N., «Social assessment study of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in Bhojpur District of Bihar». Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, India, p. iv, 57 p. : tab., 1997.
M. Wegelin, Sommer, B., Marino, A., Solarte, Y., Salas, M. L., Dierolf, C., Valiente, C., Mora, D., Rechsteiner, R., Setter, P., Wirojanagud, W., Ajarmeh, H., y Al-Hassan, A., «SODIS : an emerging water treatment process», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 127-137 : 10 fig., 11 tab., 1997.
M. Wegelin y Sommer, B., «SODIS at the turning point : a technology ready for use», SANDEC news, pp. p. 1-10 : 5 fig., 3 tab., 2 photogr., 1997.
EAWAG -Duebendorf, CH, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology y Duebendorf, C. H. S. A. N. D. E. C. -, «SODIS : solar water disinfection». Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (SANDEC), Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. video (16 min.) : VHS Pal, 1997.
R. H. Reed, «Solar inactivation of faecal bacteria in water : the critical role of oxygen», Society for Applied Bacteriology : Letters in applied microbiology, pp. p. 1-000 : 3 fig., 1997.
Centre for Prosperity Infrastructure -Kathmandu, NP, CeProIn, «Solid waste management». Centre for Prosperity Infrastructure (CeProIn), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. vii, 32 p. : ill., 1997.
N. P. C. A. R. E. - Kathmandu, «The spider model manual : a trainers guide to monitoring community organizations' capacities». CARE Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. iii, 28 p. + annexes (ca. 30 p.) : fig., photogr., tab., 1997.
R. Franceys, Sri Lanka : urban water supply, vol. no. 17. Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy, 1997, p. 76 p. : 1 fig., 6 tab.
A. Marshall, The state of world population 1997 : the right to choose : reproductive rights and reproductive health. New York, NY, USA: United Nations Population Fund, 1997, p. Web page (URL: : 31 boxes, 7 fig., 5 tab.
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development -New Delhi, IN, NIPCCD, «Statistics on children in India : pocket book 1997». National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, New Delhi, India, p. xxii, 335 p., 1997.
F. Ahmed y Hossain, M. D., «The status of water supply and sanitation access in urban slums and fringes of Bangladesh», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 14-19 : 3 fig., 4 tab., 1997.
I. N. Ramakrishn Narendrapur, Calcutta, I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, y London, G. B. O. D. A. -, «Status report of CDD-WATSAN activities operated by Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad, Narendrapur». UNICEF, Calcutta, India, 1997.
M. Breen, «Still a lot to learn : capacity building in the water sector», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 2-13, 19-26 : 1 fig., photogr., 1997.
K. E. Water and Nairobi, «Strategic environmental sanitation for the urban poor : summary report of the Regional Workshop on Urban Environmental Sanitation, Nairobi, Kenya, May 19-23, 1997». Water and Sanitation Program - East and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1997.
P. Thonart y Totte, A., «Stratégie de gestion des déchets solides urbaines en Afrique». Burkina Faso, Ministere de l'Eau, Direction de Etudes et de la Planification, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, pp. 25-42 p. : tab., fig., 1997.
K. K. Chakravarthy, «Strategies for effective operation and maintenance of handpumps in Andhra Pradesh, India», vol. no. 023. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. ix, 113 p. : fig., photogr., tab., 1997.
J. Richter, Wolff, P., Franzen, H., y Heim, F., «Strategies for intersectoral water management in developing countries : challenges and consequences for agriculture : proceedings of the International Workshop held from 6th-10th May 1996 in Berlin, Germany». German Foundation for International Development (DSE), Feldafing, Germany, p. 364 p. : fig., tab., 1997.
M. B. van Ryneveld y Fourie, A. B., «A strategy for evaluating the environmental impact of on-site sanitation systems», Water SA, pp. p. 279-291 : 4 fig., 8 tab., 1997.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, «Strengthening interventions to reduce helminth infections as an entry point for the development of health-promoting schools», vol. no. 1. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. viii, 29 p., 1997.


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