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M. C. Thomson, Disease prevention through vector control : guidelines for relief organisations. Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1995, p. 127 p.: 2 fig., 24 tab.
W. J. Voortman, Bailey, I. W., Reddy, C. D., y Rencken, G. E., «Disinfection methods for package water treatment plants», Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, pp. p. 203-218 : 9 fig., 10 tab., 1995.
B. Faso. Mini BF, Ouagadougou, B. F. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, y London, G. B. Save the C., «Document de base du seminaire sur "la viabilite des systemes de maintenance de l'hydraulique villageoise", 14-17 mars 1995», presented at the 1995-01-01, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 1995, p. iv, 22 p. + ca. 100 p. annexes: 3 fig.
S. Ahmed, «Documentation of various latrine technologies in rural Bangladesh». UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 38 p. + annexes (ca. 40 p.) : ill., photogr., 4 tab., 1995.
W. Quarry, «Does hygiene education change behaviour?», Health for the millions, pp. p. 12-15, 19: ill., 1995.
D. Jupp, Jahan, R. A., y Durandin, F., «Don't just say it, do it! : issues for consideration when planning for behavior change in hygiene education programes». CARE Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 33 p. : ill., photogr., 1995.
B. E. European C. Brussels, «Dossier : refugees», The Courier, pp. p. 52-88: fig., tab., photogr., 1995.
L. Levert y Mumma, O., «Drama and theatre : communication in development : experiences in Western Kenya». Kenya Drama/Theatre and Education Association (KDEA), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 116 p. : map, 1995.
L. Levert, «Drama for hygiene messages : a pilot project to look at impact of theatre for development», in Drama and theatre : communication in development : experiences in Western Kenya, 1995, pp. P. 74-87.
S. Reiber, Kukull, W., y Standish-Lee, P., «Drinking water aluminium and bioavailability», Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 86-100: 6 fig., 5 tab., 1995.
M. (State). R. IN y IN, M. (State). U., «Drinking water supply programme : white paper». Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, India, p. xxvii, 142 p. : tab., 1995.
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, «Dynamique des associations de base». Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 254 p. , 1995.
J. Arntzen, «Economic instruments for sustainable resource management : the case of Botswana's water resources», Ambio, pp. p. 335-342, 1995.
S. Fountain, Education for development : a teacher's resource for global learning. Portsmouth, UK: Heinemann, 1995, p. 318 p. : ill.
B. Rawlins, «Education in environmental hydrology : the case for its implementation in the developing world», Water SA, pp. p. 37-41: 7 tab., 1995.
L. Clark, Simpson-Hebert, M., y Maiga, F. S., «Education sanitaire et hygiene du milieu dans les ecoles de l'Afrique de l'ouest francophone : rapport d'un atelier regional sur les problemes et les possibilites d'amelioration, EIER, Ouagadougou 19-21 avril 1994». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 41, 8 p.: 2 fig., 10 photogr., 1 tab., 1995.
M. R. Schock, Lytle, D. A., y Clement, J. A., «Effect of pH, DIC, orthophosphate and sulfate on drinking water cuprosolvency». US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cincinnati, OH, USA, p. x, 95 p. : 22 fig., 10 tab., 1995.
I. N. Sulabh Int Delhi, «Effective health education», vol. unit 4. Sulabh International, New Delhi, India, p. ii, 22 p., 1995.
O. T. Remadevi, «The effectiveness of community participation and hygiene education in the planning and management of low cost sanitation programmes in Kerala», in Strategies and approaches for community-based initiatives : a source book on environmental hygiene promotion : proceedings of the National Conference on Environmental Hygiene and Promotional Initiatives, 1995, pp. P. 63-73 : 4 fig., 12 tab.
W. O. K. Grabow, Wyn-Jones, A. P., Schildhauer, C., y Jofre, J., «Efficiency of the Euroguard domestic water treatment unit with regard to viruses, phages and bacteria», Water SA, pp. p. 71-74: 2 tab., 1995.
F. R. G. R. E. T. - Paris, «El agua y la salud en los barrios urbanos desfavorecidos : mesa redonda de Sophia Antipolis, Febrero de 1994». pS-Eau, Programme Solidarite Eau, Paris, France, p. 191 p. : fig., photogr., 1995.
M. Moench, «Electricity prices : a tool for groundwater management in India?», presented at the 1995-07-01, Ahmedabad, India, 1995, p. iii, 74 p. : fig., map, tab.
M. Ministere ML, «Elements d'amenagement des points d'eau». Mali, Ministere de la Sante de la Solidarite et des Personnes Agees, Div. Hygiene et A, Bamako, Mali, p. 32 p. : tech. drwngs, 1995.
D. Allély, «Elements de reflexion pour une demarche de developpement en partenariat, progressive, adaptee et concertee», vol. no. 8. pS-Eau, Programme Solidarite Eau, Paris, France, p. 22 p., 1995.
D. K. U. N. D. P. /I. A. P. S. O. Copenhagen, «Emergency relief items : compendium of generic specifications». UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. xii, 210 p.: ill., tab., 1995.


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