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Found 23539 results
J. E. Rohde, Kumar, A. K. S., y Shanker, U., «The progress of Indian states». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. iv, 74 p. : fig., tab., 1995.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, «Project document : international training network centre for water supply and waste management UNDP/World Bank - DANIDA : Bangladesh». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. iv, 25 p. : 1 tab., 1995.
TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development y Ho, G. H. Community, «Project information booklet : Volta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Prodject». Community Water and Sanitation Division, Ho, Ghana, p. 27 p. : ill., 1995.
N. L. I. W. A. C. O. - Rotterdam y NE, N. Ministere, «Projet d'hydraulique villageoise PHV/CE/PB, Dosso, Niger : troisieme phase 1992 - 1995 : evaluation a mi-terme». IWACO, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p. 48 p. + 15 annexes : map, tab., 1995.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization y Geneva, C. H. W. S. S. C. C. Work, «Promocion del saneamiento». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 1 folder, 1995.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, «Promoting community participation, hygiene behaviour change and development through people's art : relevance of folk art in Dutch-assisted rural development projects in India». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 15 p.: 4 photogr., 1995.
R. C. Riddell, Bebbington, A., y Peck, L., Promoting development by proxy : the development impact of government support to Swedish NGOs, vol. no. 2. Stockholm, Sweden: SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 1995, p. 160 p. : fig., photogr.
S. K. M. Hardywinoto, «Promoting water hygienic practices among Jakarta elementary school students». Jakarta Provincial Health Services, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 14 p., 1995.
S. Arlosoroff, «Promoting water resource management in the Middle East», International water & irrigation review, pp. p. 6-12, 15-16: 1 fig., 4 tab., 1995.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization y Geneva, C. H. W. S. S. C. C. Work, «Promotion de l'assainissement». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 1 folder, 1995.
R. Kfir, Coubrough, P., y Bateman, B., «Provision of potable water utilizing a water treatment tablet», Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, pp. p. 49-55: 3 fig., 1 tab., 1995.
D. J. Marquez, A. Justiniano, A., y de Ruiz, L. E., «Proyecto de saneamiento basico "PROSABAR" : un enfoque participativo para la sustentabilidad de proyectos de saneamiento basico en el area rural». Bolivia, Direccion Nacional de Saneamiento Basico DINASBA, La Paz, Bolivia, p. 3 vol. (22, 28, 30 p.): tab., 1995.
Z. R. Goma Epide Goma, «Public health impact of Rwandan refugee crisis : what happened in Goma, Zaire, in July, 1994?», The lancet, pp. p. 339-344: 3 fig., 2 tab., 1995.
J. Lorentzen, Gidman, P., Blore, I., y Schuttenbelt, P., «Public-private partnership in urban infrastructure services», vol. no. 4. UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank-Urban Management Programme, c/o World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xiii, 68 p.: 31 boxes, 1 tab., 1995.
C. H. United Nat Geneva y UNIFEM -New York, NY, US, Putting gender on the agenda : a guide to participating in UN world conferences. New York, NY, USA: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 1995, p. xii, 51 p.: boxes.
I. Guijt, «Questions of difference : PRA, gender and environment : a training video». International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. Video (120 min.) : VHS/PAL + instructions leaflet, 1995.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort, Arnhem, N. L. Euroconsul, y Amsterdam, N. L. Agro Visio, «Rada Water Supply & Sanitation Project : final report Extension & Training Section». Euroconsult, Arnhem, The Netherlands, p. 11 p. + 54 p. annexes: 1 map, 1995.
C. Lobo y Kockendorfer-Lucius, G., The rain decided to help us : participatory watershed management in the state of Maharashtra, India. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1995, p. xi, 66 p. : boxes, tab.
E. Nissen-Petersen y Mbugua, J., «Rain water : an under-utilized resource». SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Nairobi, Kenya, p. iv, 29 p.: 19 fig., 3 tab., 1995.
R. Wijdemans, «Rain water harvesting in LDPE lined ponds : Tal, Dhandhuku Dist, Ahmedabad». Royal Haskoning, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, p. 6 p.: 1 drwng., 2 tab., 1995.
A. M. A. Salih, Khouri, J., Abdulrazzak, M., Kallel, M. R., y Adam, H., «Rainfall water management in the Arab region : state of the art report». UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for the Arab States, Cairo, Egypt, p. vii, 147 p. : 41 fig., 10 tab., 1995.
H. Mou, «Rainwater utilization for sustainable development in north China», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 19-21: 3 photogr., 1995.
L. J. M. Mourits y Kumar, P. B., «Rainwater utilization in rural Fiji», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 8-10: 1 map, 3 photogr., 1995.
B. W. Lykins, Astle, R., Schlafer, J. L., y Shanaghan, P. E., «Reducing fluoride by managed POU treatment», Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 57-65: 4 fig., 9 tab., photogr., 1995.
G. Yepes, «Reduction of unaccounted for water : the job can be done!». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 14 p. : 5 tab., 1995.


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