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B. Directorat BD y BD, D. P. H. E. Bangladesh, «Report of the workshop on demand driven approach and strategy for school sanitation and hygiene education project, 12-13 February 2000, ICMH, Matuail». Bangladesh, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 68 p., 2000.
K. C. Prem Nidhi, «Report on second national school sanitation and hygiene education workshop : Dhulikhel, Nepal : 28-30 June, 2000». Nepal, Department of Water Supply and Sewerage, Regional Directorate, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 43 p. : 3 fig.; 5 tab., 2000.
S. Africa. De ZA, Report on the school register of needs 2000 survey. Pretoria, South Africa: South Africa, Department of Education, 2000, p. xii, 129 p. : fig., maps., photogr., tabs.
I. Ministry o IN y IN, I. Rajiv Gand, «Rural drinking water supply programme». Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. 20 p., 2000.
U. Ministry o UG, «Sanitation promotion : what teachers need to know and do». Uganda, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda, p. 18 p. : fig., 2000.
U. Ministry o UG, «School facilities grant (SFG) for primary schools : planning and implementation guidelines for district and urban councils». Uganda, Ministry of Education and Sports, Kampala, Uganda, p. 45 p., 2000.
D. Sen, «School sanitation and hygiene education», in Water, sanitation and hygiene : challenges of the millennium : proceedings of the 26th WEDC conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2000, 2000, pp. P. 167-170 : fig.
M. Snel y Kumar, M., «School sanitation and hygiene education in Mysore District», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 16-18 : 3 photogr., 2000.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US. Water and Environmental Sanitation Section, «School sanitation and hygiene education programme guideline». UNICEF, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 51, 51 p. : ill., 2000.
A. Bitature y Sidibe, M., «School sanitation and hygiene promotion in Uganda : the challenge». World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 10 p. : 1 fig., 2 ill., 4 photogr., 1 tab., 2000.
J. Matulu, Mweta, W., Mwaisumo, R., Lansdown, R., y Schwartz, E., «Schools and the healthy eye : an introductory guide to teaching personal hygiene and eye care by means of enhanced health education in primary schools in Tanzania». International Trachoma Initiative, New York, NY, USA, p. 41 p. : fig., 2000.
K. E. C. A. R. E. - Nairobi, «The SWASH-plus project ». CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 1 p.; 3 photographs , 2000.
T. Ahmed y Raza, H., «Training workshop on health and hygiene education : Monday, 23 May to 27 May 2000, Gilgit». IRC, Delft, The Netherlands, p. ca. 90 p. fig., tabs., 2000.
M. Styles y Keating, T., «Water efficient schools : Chesswood Middle school project : final project report». Southern Water, Worthing, UK, p. 12 p.: fig., tab., 2000.
P. E. C. E. P. I. S. - Lima, AIDIS -New York, NY, US, PAHO -Washington, DC, US, UNICEF -New York, NY, US, y Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association -St.Joseph, TT, CWWA, «Boys and girls in action : guidebook on water and environmental health for schools and communities of Latin America and the Caribbean». CEPIS (Centro Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente), Lima, Peru, p. 36 p. : ill., 1999.
P. Esterhuysen y Findlay, A., «The call that changed the school». Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 24 p. : ill., 1999.
S. Brooker, Booth, M., y Guyatt, H., «Comparisons of schistosome and geohelminth infection prevalences in school-aged children from selected areas of Africa : implications for rapid assessment and combined control», Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, pp. p. 125-126 : 1 fig., 1999.
S. K. Biswas, «Concept paper on micro planning». p. 12 p. [loose leaf] : fig., 1999.
K. P. Atchou, «Contribution du CREPA Togo à l'amélioration des conditions d'hygiène et d'assainissement en milieu scolaire : cas de deux écoles primaires de Dadzie et de Kitidzan dans la préfecture du Golfe». Ecole des Assistants Médicaux, Lome, Togo, p. 69 p. : tabs., 1999.
R. Miljevic-Ridicki, Males, D., y Rijavec, M., Education for development. New York, NY, USA: UNICEF, 1999, p. 168 p. : boxes, photogr.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, «Environmental sanitation and hygiene - a right for every child : a summary of lessons learned and new approaches from the UNICEF Workshop on Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene, New York, 10-12 June 1998». UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 36 p. : boxes, fig., 1999.
P. K. Enterprise Islamabad y Islamabad, P. K. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, «Evaluation of the GOP - UNICEF water supply and environmental sanitation programme 1992-1998 : final report». UNICEF, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. xvi, 66 p. : 1 fig., 2 maps, 29 tab. + 90 p. annexes : 33 tab., 1999.
Integrated Research Appliciation and Development Consult -Kathmandu, NP, IRAD, «A final report on data entry and processing of inputs from school sanitation and hygiene education projects review in Nepal». Child's environment section UNICEF/Nepal country office, Lalitpur, Nepal, p. iii, 85 p. : charts, tab, 1999.
Atencion Primaria y Saneamiento Basico de Cajamarca - Cajamarca, PE, APRISABAC, «Guia de higiene, agua y saneamiento para la escuela rural». APRISABAC Atencion Primaria y Saneamiento Basico de Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Peru, p. 36 p. : ill., 1999.
P. New Guinea PG y PG, P. New Guinea, «Guidelines for health-promoting schools». Papua New Guinea, Department of Education, Boroko, Papua New Guinea, p. 40 p., 1999.


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