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E. S. Mwasha, «HESAWA : health department : school health and sanitation package». Health through Sanitation and Water (HESAWA), Mwanza, Tanzania, p. iii, 39 p., 1992.
M. M. Kishumba, Lukwatage, A., y Kunaga, S. M., «HESAWA : the Chato convention on school health and sanitation : (17th - 28th May 1992) : proceedings and recom[m]endations». Health through Sanitation and Water (HESAWA), Mwanza, Tanzania, p. 25 p. + 6 annexes (18 p.): tab., 1992.
P. E. I. D. E. A. S. - Lima, «Informe del estudio "centros educativos y condiciones sanitarias"», presented at the 1992-09-01, Lima, Peru, 1992, p. 38 p. : photogr., tab.
A. H. Khan, «Orangi Pilot Project programs». Orangi Pilot Project - Research and Training Institute (OPP-RTI), Karachi, Pakistan, p. 53 p.: 1 map, 1992.
G. H. Kumasi Hea Kumasi, «A process and outcome evaluation of the in service training for junior secondary school teachers in the use of participatory health education techniques». Kumasi Health Education Unit, Kumasi, Ghana, p. ca. 60 p.: fig., tab., 1992.
H. Philippeaux y Sassarao, P. R. G., «Rainwater harvesting in Burundi», Waterfront, p. p. 5, 7: 1 fig., 1 photogr., 1992.
P. van der Poel y Dokou, A. A., «Rapport de mission d'evaluation de la composante technologie appropriee / reboisement du programme environnement du gouvernement Togolais / UNICEF, 12 septembre - 3 octobre 1992». SAWA, Ede, The Netherlands, p. ii, 36 p.: 2 tab., 1992.
G. Ministry o GH, GH, G. Ministry o, y Task Force for Child Survival and Development -Atlanta, GA, US, «Report of a workshop Ghana expanded programme of chemotherapy : Novotel ; Accrra, Ghana, February 11-12, 1992». Papua New Guinea, Ministry of Education, Accra, Ghana, p. ca. 40 p. : drwngs., photogr., tab., 1992.
B. D. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Dhaka y BD, D. P. H. E. Bangladesh, «Sanitation in primary schools (plan of action)». UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 12 p. + annexes (ca. 60 p.) : tech. drwngs., 1992.
M. Sorensson, «School hygiene education and sanitation in 22 primary schools in Madras, India». University of Utrecht, Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, p. 70, 89 p.: ill., map, photogr., 1992.
S. S. Rao y Soerensen, M., «Summary report of the review on sanitation hygiene education in primary schools in Madras, India». Women Voluntary Service, Chennai, India, p. 52, 14 p.: tab., 1992.
V. Ward, «Water in Namibia : a resource package to develop awareness of water». Namib Education Group, Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, p. 13 p.: drwngs., map, 1992.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, «Water supply, sanitation and health in rural areas : report of the third consultation of the WHO Working Group on Water - Sanitation - Health, Geneva, 10-12 June 1992». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. iii. 60 p., 1992.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, «Balochistan integrated area development (BIAD) : curriculum for health and hygiene education in school sanitation». UNICEF, Quetta, Pakistan, p. 120 p., 1991.
C. O. C. I. N. A. R. A. - Cali y IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Diagnostico preliminar sobre saneamiento ambiental en escuelas de educacion basica primaria : informe final». Centro Inter-Regional de Abastecimiento y Remocion de Agua, Cali, Colombia, p. 2 vol. (21, 121 p.): photogr., 1991.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, «Eau potable, assainissement et sante en milieu rural : rapport de la deuxieme consultation du Groupe du Travail OMS Eau- Assainissement- Sante, Geneve, 9-11 Avril 1991». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. iii, 43 p., 1991.
G. B. A. H. R. T. A. G. - London, «Growing food : growing healthy», Dialogue on diarrhoea, pp. p. 6-7: ill., 1991.
U. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kampala y UG, U. Ministry o, «Health education syllabus for secondary schools». Papua New Guinea, Ministry of Education, Kampala, Uganda, p. 45 p., 1991.
U. Ministry o UG, «Health education syllabus grade III teachers' college in Uganda». Papua New Guinea, Ministry of Education, Kampala, Uganda, p. ix, 54 p., 1991.
W. Gibbs y Mutunga, P., «Health into mathematics», vol. no. 1. Longman Publishers, Harlow, UK, p. xi, 163 p.: ill., fig., tab., 1991.
L. W. Green y Kreuter, M. W., Health promotion planning : an educational and environmental approach, 2nd ed.ª ed. Mountain View, CA, US: Mayfield, 1991, p. xxi, 506 p.: fig., tab.
J. W. V. Murage, «KIWASAP Kilifi Water and Sanitation Project : project progress : yearly progress report for the period January - December 1991». Kilifi Water and Sanitation Project, Kilifi, Kenya, p. x, 60 p.: 12 tab., 1991.
J. P. Chippaux y Larsson, R. W., «L'absenteisme scolaire lie a la dracunculose au Benin», Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, pp. p. 775-782 : 2 fig., 3 tab., 1991.
E. Robson, «Learning the ABCs of pit latrines in Cote d'Ivoire», Source, pp. p. 18-19: photogr., 1991.
E. E. Rossi y Brahmam, S., «Lessons learned from the experiences of the Kasserine regional health education team», vol. no. 324. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi, 84 p., 1991.


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