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D. E. G. T. Z. - Eschborn y PK, N. - W. Frontier P., «Manual for the implementation of the strategic investment plan : the integrated concept». Pakistan, NW Frontier Province, Public Health Engineering Department, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1991.
K. R. Rao, «Netherlands assisted projects Andhra Pradesh AP III Nalgonda : phase 1 : community based support activities : sanitation component». India (Andhra Pradesh), Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Hyderabad, India, p. 93 p. : drwngs., tab, 1991.
K. B. Kurup, «Participatory strategies in water, health and rural development programmes», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 2-5: photogr., 1991.
J. E. M. Smet, Cairncross, S., Killewo, J. Z. J., Maikwano, L. F., y van Asten, H., «Patterns of hookworm and ascaris infection in Dar es Salaam», Acta tropica, pp. p. 247-249: tab., 1991.
S. Bhattacharya, «Project nutrition, health education & environmental sanitation : an impact study». National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, India, p. xxii, 262 p.: tab., 1991.
O. Guene, Tandia, C., y Toure, C. S., «Qualite des eaux des citernes de captage d'eau de pluie au Sahel», in Rainwater catchment for future generations : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems, Keelung, Taiwan, 4-10 August 1991, 1991, pp. P. 69-79 : 7 fig., 4 tab.
J. G. Bilinzozi, «School health and sanitation package : appropriate technology in design and construction of latrines». Health through Sanitation and Water (HESAWA), Mwanza, Tanzania, p. 10 p.: 5 fig., 1991.
J. A. Sutton y Orr, B. D., «The use of the school essay as an RRA technique : a case study from Bong County, Liberia», in Participatory methods for learning and analysis, 1991, pp. P. 33-38 : 1 tab.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, «Water supply, sanitation and health in rural areas : report of the second consultation of the WHO Working Group on Water, Sanitation and Health, Geneva, 9-11 April 1991». World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. iii, 43 p., 1991.
E. E. Rossi, «Assistance technique et planification pour l'education en matiere de sante et d'hygiene et la participation des femmes au projet des institutions d'eau potable dans les zones rurales en Tunesie», vol. no. 307. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 78 p., 1990.
A. K. Fabiyi, «The attitude of teachers and school administrators to health education in Nigerian high schools», Hygie : international journal of health education, pp. p. 30-32: tab., 1990.
C. O. C. I. N. A. R. A. - Cali, «Diagnostico preliminar sobre programas educativos en salud, higiene, saneamiento e instalaciones sanitarias en escuelas de educacion basica primaria». Centro Inter-Regional de Abastecimiento y Remocion de Agua, Cali, Colombia, p. Slide series (40 slides + 1 tape), 1990.
T. Williams, Moon, A., y Williams, M., «Food, environment and health : a guide for primary school teachers». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. xix, 129 p.: ill., 1990.
I. N. C. H. E. T. N. A. - Ahmedabad y Geneva, C. H. Aga Khan F., «Learning for life : health education for and by children : report of a workshop, New Delhi, 24-26 April, 1990». Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA), Ahmedabad, India, p. 51, ix p.: drawing, 1990.
A. H. Khan, «Orangi Pilot Project models». Orangi Pilot Project, Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 33 p. : ill., tab., 1990.
S. B. Thapa y Spreen, E., «Solid waste management with people's participation : posters of a cooperation project». Solid Waste Management and Resource Mobilization Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 35 p.: mainly photogr., 1990.
E. E. Rossi, «Technical assistance and planning for health and hygiene education and women's involvement in the Tunisia rural potable water institutions project», vol. no. 307. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 80 p., 1990.
K. B. Shrestha y Shrestha, P., «Community development-oriented health education : health education programme in Bhaktapur : an experience». Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Bhaktapur, Nepal, p. xii, 230, 22 p.: photogr., 1989.
R. K. Molvaer, «Education for better health : a manual for senior health educators». Ethiopia, Ministry of Health, Health Learning Materials Development and Production Div, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. ix, 117 p.: drawing, 1989.
M. S. Nair, «An evaluation and assessment report of pre-testing the book on "water"». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 41 p.: fig., 1989.
P. Pine, «The health education program of the rural potable water institutions project in Tunisia», vol. no. 255. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 39 p., 1989.
Anon, «Health science for primary schools : introductory level». Macmillan, London, UK, p. 61 p.: ill., 1989.
«Health science for primary schools : level 1». Macmillan, London, UK, p. 125 p.: drawing, 1989.
«Health science for primary schools : level 2». Macmillan, London, UK, p. 160 p.: drawing, 1989.
I. N. Kerala Wat Trivandrum, «Hygiene education : SEU's experiences in perspective : position paper». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 47 p., 1989.


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