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Filters: Keyword is environmental degradation  [Clear All Filters]
I. N. Kassar Tru Almora, «Handpumps in the Himalayas for the first time». Kassar Trust, Almora, India, p. 16 p.: fig., 1991.
M. F. Baldwin, «Natural resources of Sri Lanka : conditions and trends». Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p. xi, 280 p.: fig., tab., maps, photogr., 1991.
N. G. N. E. S. T. - Ibadan, Nigeria's threatened environment : a national profile. Ibadan, Nigeria: Nigerian Environmental Study / Action Team, 1991, p. vi, 288 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
M. Boesveld y Postel-Coster, E., «Planning with women for wise use of the environment : research and practical issues», Landscape and urban planning, pp. p. 141-150: tab., 1991.
M. Yhdego, «Urban environmental degradation in Tanzania», Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 147-152: tab., 1991.
R. Clarke, Water : the international crisis. London, UK: Earthscan, 1991, p. xii, 193 p.: fig., tab.
A. Rodda, Women and the environment. London, UK: ZED Books, 1991, p. vii, 180 p. : fig., photogr.
S. Sontheimer, «Women and the environment : a reader : crisis and development in the Third World». Earthscan, London, UK, p. 205 p., 1991.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, «Consultation mondiale sur l'eau salubre et l'assainissement pour les annes 90, New Delhi, Inde, 10-14 septembre 1990 : document de reference», presented at the 1990-01-01, New York, NY, USA, 1990, p. x, 97 p.: fig.
M. Falkenmark, Lundqvist, J., y Widstrand, C., «Coping with water scarcity : implications of biomass strategy for communities and policies», International journal of water resources development, pp. p. 29-43, 1990.
B. J. Cummings, Dam the rivers, damn the people : development and resistance in Amazonian Brazil. London, UK: Earthscan, 1990, p. xi, 132 p.: fig., tab.
C. de Jong-Boon, «Environmental problems in Sudan : a reader». Institute of Social Studies, Research and Project Office, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 2 vol. (xxi, 819 p.): fig., map, tab., 1990.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US y Luxembourg, L. U. European I., The environmental program for the Mediterranean : preserving a shared heritage and managing a common resource. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1990, p. ix, 93 p.: box, map, tab.
L. Vincent, «Environmentally sound irrigation projects», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 3-6: photogr., tab., 1990.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, «Global consultation on safe water and sanitation for the 1990s, New Delhi, India, September 10-14, 1990 : background paper», presented at the 1990-01-01, New York, NY, USA, 1990, p. x, 52 p.: fig.
O. Linden, «Human impact on tropical coastal zones», Nature and resources, pp. p. 3-11: photogr., 1990.
W. Critchley, «Looking after our land : new approaches to soil and water conservation in dryland Africa». Oxfam, Oxford, UK, p. 4 films (22 min. each): VHS, 1990.
K. E. I. N. F. O. T. E. R. R. A. Nairobi, «Thesaurus of environmental terms». UNEP INFOTERRA, Nairobi, Kenya, 1990.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, World Resources Institute -Washington, DC, US, y Nairobi, K. E. U. N. E. P. -, World resources 1990-91. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 1990, p. xiv, 383 p.: tab.
D. General fo DGIS, «Environment and development». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 43 p.: fig., photogr., 1989.
G. Schramm y Warford, J. J., Environmental management and economic development. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, p. x, 208 p.: fig., tab.
D. C. Das y Pandey, C. M., «Soil conservation for perspective water management, environment and land productivity : paper presented at the national seminar on new perspectives in water management, New Delhi». India, Ministry of Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation Division, New Delhi, India, p. 21 p. (A3): fig., tab., 1989.
United Nations ACC Intersecretariat Group for Water -New York, NY, US y UN Economic Commission for Africa -Addis Ababa, ET, ECA, «The water situation in Africa : report of the 10th session». United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 24 p., 1989.
L. R. Khan, «Environmental aspects of groundwater development in Bangladesh : an overview», vol. no. 88/2c. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, p. 21 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
J. J. Guibbert, «Hacia una ecologia popular urbana : elementos para un debate», in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 519-538.


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