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Found 23564 results
B. N. Paudyal, «Study to identify appropriate approach and strategies for sustainable sanitation intervention in Terai». Environmental Sanitation and Disaster Management Section, Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (ESDMS/DWSS), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 105 p. : fig, maps, tab., 2014.
R. Otim y Watsisi, M., «Sub-county Water Supply and Sanitation Boards to strengthen O&M for rural water supply facilities». IRC, Kampala, Uganda, p. 4, 2014.
R. W. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sub-sector scorecard *». 2014.
«Suivi des services d’eau villageois : du suivi des réalisations au suivi de la qualité de service». 2014.
«Suivi des services d'eau villageois et performance de l'intermédiation sociale». 2014.
«Summary and Lessons learned -Seminar on monitoring decentralised water sanitation in Africa», 2014.
P. Magara, «Supporting hand pump mechanics to improve operation and maintenance of rural water supply facilities». IRC, Kampala, Uganda, p. 4 p. : 1 tab., 2014.
M. S. Schweiger, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT)». 2014.
R. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sustainability check». p. 1, 2014.
R. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sustainability Monitoring Framework». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 1 p., 2014.
R. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sustainability Self-Assessment». 2014.
R. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Sustainability Snapshot». 2014.
C. Cordes, «Sustainable rural sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa: an essential contribution to reaching the MDGs and formulating the SDGs for the post 2015 development agenda?», Universität Vechta, Institut für Strukturforschung und Planung in agrarischen Intensivgebieten , Germany, 2014.
M. Nique y Opala, K., «The synergies between mobile, energy and water access : Africa». GSMA’s Mobile enabled community Services programme, UK, p. 42 p., 2014.
M. Nique y Neha, J., «The synergies between mobile, energy and water access : Asia». p. 37 p. , 2014.
M. C. Freeman, Stocks, M. E., Cumming, O., Jeandron, A., Higgins, J. P. T., Wolf, J., Pruss-Ustun, A., Bonjour, S., Hunter, P. R., Fewtrell, L., y Curtis, V., «Systematic review : hygiene and health : systematic review of handwashing practices worldwide and update of health effects», vol. 19, pp. 906–916, 2014.
S. N. V. Asia, «Tailoring pro-poor support strategies with local governments to improve sanitation services», 2014.
«Technologies for monitoring WASH». 2014.
R. W. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) and Technology Introduction Process (TIP)». 2014.
VNG International y IRC, «Technology recommendation borehole & hand pump India Mark II, Kapoeta North County, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan». IRC and VNG International, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p. : fig., 2014.
VNG International y IRC, «Technology recommendation borehole & hand pump India Mark II, Torit County, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan». IRC and VNG International, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p. : fig, photogr., 2014.
VNG International y IRC, «Technology recommendation solar powered pump, Kapoeta North County, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan». IRC and VNG International, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p. : fig., 2014.
K. O’Reilly y Louis, E., «The toilet tripod: Understanding successful sanitation in rural India», vol. 29, 2014.
R. W. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., y Lockwood, H., «Tool for Planning, Predicting and Evaluating Sustainability (ToPPES)». 2014.
IRC, «Towards a better balance between water demand and supply», IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.


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