El levantamiento de datos en el Sistema de Información de Agua y Saneamiento Rural se ha ido acelerando. A nivel regional se encuentran datos de más de 10,000 comunidades de los países de Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y República Dominicana. Entonces para celebrarlo, ¿por qué no hacer un análisis de... Read more...
Usando el concepto cebolla para ayudar al monitoreo de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en Centroamérica y el Caribe Read more...
Over the past year, there has been quite a bit of buzz in the WASH sector on the sustainability clause that DGIS seeks to include in its contacts with implementers. The pros and cons of this have been widely debated . A key component of the clauses is to have sustainability checks as a way to... Read more...
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a Sustainability Assessment Tool for community-managed rural water systems [1]. The tool is novel because it focuses specifically on community management during the post construction phase. It can be used to... Read more...
In this book the author proposes that water resources be deliberately developed in ways that promote health and social well-being without detriment... Read more...