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Long and short case studies, in Spanish, have relevant lessons for the WASH sector, and for those who aim to achieve greater impact

TitleCobertura total: ¿para siempre? sistematización de la experiencia de Water For People en la municipalidad de Chinda, Honduras
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSmits, S
Date Published11/2011
PublisherWater For People, Triple-S, IRC
Publication LanguageSpanish

Chinda, Honduras achieved full coverage of water and sanitation services for households and schools. WASH sector actors applied the "Everyone, Forever" approach in the Chinda area, and built bases for sustainability at the community and higher institutional levels. The approach also identified gaps in financing capital maintenance costs. The long and short case studies, in Spanish, have relevant lessons for the WASH sector, and for those who aim to achieve greater impact.

En este estudio de caso se evalúa la efectividad y la capacidad de replicar el enfoque denominado"Everyone & Forever"(Todos y para siempre) de la ONG Water for People (Agua para la población) para lograr la cobertura total en los servicios de agua y saneamiento.

Citation Key21476

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