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Concerns the provision of water and sanitation services to two peri-urban slum (barrios) areas of Barranquilla city: Los Laureles and Siete de Abril. The city has a total of 134 barrios, of which 30 are peri-urban.

TitlePrestacion del servicio de acueducto y alcantarillado en Barranquilla, Colombia : la participacion de los pobladores : estudios de caso, Los Laureles y Siete de Abril
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsRodriguez, PS, Rodriguez, RM, E. Morr, S
Pagination38 p.: 10 tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherForo Nacional por Colombia
Place PublishedBogota, Colombia
Keywordscase studies, colombia barranquilla, community participation, institutional framework, peri-urban communities, piped distribution, safe water supply, slums, tariffs, water authorities, willingness to pay
Notes22 ref. - At head of title page: Estudio sobre el agua en ciudades de America Latina - Foro - redes
Custom 1827
Translated TitleProvision of water and sewerage services in Barranquilla, Colombia : people's participation : case studies of Los Laureles and Siete de Abril

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