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TitleManual del lavado de manos : guía para desarrollar un programa de promoción de la higiene destinado a extender la práctica del lavado de manos con jabón
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2005
Pagination78 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2005-01-01
Keywordsbehaviour, disease control, hand washing, health education, manuals, programmes, sdihyg

This publication lays out the experiences of The Global Public Private Partnership for Handwashing in a practical guide. The Handbook explains how the latest thinking in industrial marketing can be combined with the latest research in public health to provide powerful new insights to drive effective handwashing campaigns. It offers lessons from national programs in Ghana, Peru, Senegal and other countries.

Notes34 ref.
Custom 1203.2
Translated TitleThe handwashing handbook : a guide for developing a hygiene promotion program to increase handwashing with soap

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