Juste is an expert in the governance of water, sanitation and hygiene services. He has two decades of professional experience in West Africa, particularly in Francophone countries. He is currently the director of IRC Burkina Faso and the director of IRC's regional programme in Africa.
Juste's ambition is to transform the water, sanitation and hygiene sector from inefficient systems at regional, national and local levels into strong government-led systems capable of delivering universal and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services in poor countries by 2030 (SDG6.)
He focuses on building or strengthening governance systems at both local and central government and regional intergovernmental levels. His work involves generating, testing and advising on governance solutions for key stakeholders.
Conference topics included: sanitation, community management, financing and management, groundwater, integrated development and gender, water quality... Read more...
This report reproduces (in edited form) the papers presented at the fifth UNU Global Environment Forum. Read more...
The main purpose of the Sida Sanitation Workshop was to widen the range of policy options in sanitation by presenting and discussing ecological... Read more...
This report represents a summary of ex post evaluation studies commissioned by the Overseas Development Administration's Evaluation Department and... Read more...