After a ten year career at IRC, covering various leadership functions and being member of the IRC Management Team, Erma established herself as an independent consultant in 2015. Erma continues her collaboration with IRC as an associate consultant.
Erma strongly believes in country leadership - national governments leading the development of a common vision, policy priorities and targets for the sector; National governments coordinating and directing all actors and interventions towards achievement of the commonly agreed vision and targets, monitoring progress and facilitating learning processes to adjust sector policies and practices when needed. Without national governments taking leadership and being backed by a strong sector system, achievement of WASH services for all and forever will remain an utopia and resources will remain being wasted.
Working with governments, at national and decentralised level, in facilitating sector-broad and multi-actor change processes towards strengthened sector capacities for sustained WASH service delivery, is Erma's passion.
Erma thinks that championing knowledge development, innovation and policy influencing for country- leadership is an exciting challenge. This gives her an excellent opportunity to capatalise on both her passion and on a solid professional background anchored in her work for a diversity of employers (national governments, bi-lateral donor and multi-lateral agencies) in different parts of the world.
Después de una carrera de diez años en el IRC, Erma se estableció como un consultor independiente a partir de 2015. Erma continúa su colaboración con IRC como consultor asociado.
Erma Uytewaal es una profesional internacional altamente respetada en el sector del agua potable y saneamiento, particularmente en las áreas de asesoramiento en la formulación e implementación de políticas, desarrollo de estrategias y desarrollo institucional y organizacional.
Ella es una ferviente defensora de la visión de IRC que propugna pasar de intervenciones de corto plazo hacia la definición e implementación de políticas sectoriales que posibiliten la prestación de servicios sostenibles en el largo plazo. Ella cree que el liderazgo de los gobiernos es esencial y es el único camino hacia el cambio en el sector para lograr que los sistemas de agua y saneamiento presten servicios para que todos, en todas partes y siempre puedan disfrutar de su derecho humano al agua potable y al saneamiento.
Erma sabe cómo dirigir el cambio institucional y organizacional. Con perseverancia, trabajo duro y una actitud positiva facilita el diálogo, la negociación y la coordinación de programas y procesos y complejos con la participación de múltiples actores.
En su trabajo es pragmática, motiva la innovación y se enfoca en los resultados. En sus interacciones es de mente abierta y directa. Emprendedora, responsable, pero sobre todo, profesional.
Erma puede visualizar e implementar acciones de una forma integral: abarcando la política y la práctica, las habilidades técnicas y sociales. Su formación y experiencia incluye trabajos previos en varias regiones del mundo incluyendo con las Naciones Unidas, organizaciones de cooperación bilaterales, gobiernos nacionales y gobiernos locales y ONGs, trabajando en todos los niveles de interacción (personal, organizacional e institucional).
A rapid assessment to understand current and potential future demand and supply for sanitation products and services in three districts in Cambodia. Read more...
The results presented in this paper are based on the performance monitoring data collected, managed and analysed by the rural SSH4A teams of SNV... Read more...
Report of the SSH4A learning event held from 14 - 17 March 2016 in Cambodia. Read more...
This guidebook introduces rural and small water and wastewater systems in the United States to ten key areas of effectively managed systems. Read more...
WASH for WORMS is a cluster-randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that a community-based WASH intervention integrated with periodic mass... Read more...
Fact sheet providing an overview of rural and small towns water services in the Upper East Region, Ghana. Read more...
Fact sheet providing an overview of rural and small towns water services in the Northern Region, Ghana. Read more...
Fact sheet providing an overview of rural and small towns water services in the Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana. Read more...
Study on aid effectiveness in Honduras underpinning IRC’s approach based on the understanding that achieving universal and sustainable WASH services... Read more...
This overview provides a 10‐year lookback at the progression of advocacy for WASH. Read more...
Presentation on the potential and bottlenecks on private sector engagement in Ethiopia. Read more...
The results of a sustainability check, monitoring service delivery in towns, satellite villages and institutions that are targeted in the ONEWASH... Read more...
Results of an initiative to monitor sustainability factors in towns in Ethiopia. Read more...
Innovation of sanitation master planning within the ONEWASH Plus programme in Ethiopia. Read more...
What are the challenges with Water Point Mapping? and what lessons can be learned from the failures? What about the future of Water Point Mapping?... Read more...
Webinar discussing the state-of-play in national level monitoring of rural water supply, with presentations also of country-led monitoring systems... Read more...
This Asian regional face-to-face learning event discussed ways to make behaviour change communication (BCC) for sanitation and hygiene promotion... Read more...
BRAC WASH has researched how to develop a viable process for faecal sludge-based organic fertiliser. Read more...
There is a need to change behaviors in order to reach universal access to water and sanitation services that last. This was the outcome of a session co-convened by Sanitation and Water for All partnership, IRC, WSP, WaterAid and USAid at the September 2015 Stockholm World Water Week. Read more...