Jeske Verhoeven joined IRC in October 2008. Her focus is on capacity development for WASH systems strengthening and managing the WASH Systems Academy. In 2018 she started leading the development of this online collaborative platform developed to assist WASH sector professionals with knowledge and tools to apply a WASH systems strengthening approach.
Her other areas of expertise include WASH finance, Aid Effectiveness and Process Documentation. In the WASHCost project (2008-2013) she was responsible for development, coordination and facilitation of the Life-cycle cost approach training package and the Costing Sustainable Services online course. She was also responsible for the development and implementation of life-cycle cost approach database protocol, research on expenditure on direct and indirect support, support to project management and involved in process documentation. Her research on WASH finance has been specifically on finance for capital maintenance and urban sanitation. Jeske has developed a training package to facilitate training on aid effectiveness and research on aid effectiveness in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. Jeske has supported country teams with the documentation of action research, facilitated training sessions on process documentation and organised writeshops.
Jeske has a BA in Journalism from the School of Journalism in Utrecht, The Netherlands and an MA in International Development Studies from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
The costing sustainable services training that took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, between the 8 th -10 th of May 2012 examined ways to improve the financing of water service delivery in Ethiopia and specifically to increase the sustainability of service delivery. The main gaps that were... Read more...
Le Burkina Faso fait partie des nombreux pays qui ont adhéré aux objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) et, notamment, à l’objectif 7... Read more...
Em 2008 foi introduzida uma nova abordagem de gestão do PEC (Participação e Educação Comunitário) através de contractos únicos para um ano num... Read more...
Objectivo deste documento produzido pela WASHCost é para disseminar ao sector de água uma abordagem económica generalizada sobre as flutuações... Read more...
O objectivo deste documento da WASHCost Moçambique é de analisar os valores dos contractos assinados pelo Governo no ano 2009. O segundo objectivo é... Read more...
Small-scale informal entrepreneurs can provide a valuable and financially viable urban sanitation service for consumers without a sewerage connection... Read more...