Title | Abastecimiento barato de agua para consumo humano, abrevar el ganada, irrigacion a pequena escala. Parte 2. Bombas y equipo |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1983 |
Authors | Amersfoort, NLDHV- |
Pagination | 79 p.: fig. |
Date Published | 1983-01-01 |
Publisher | DHV |
Place Published | Amersfoort, The Netherlands |
Keywords | appropriate technology, hand pumps, irrigation, kangaroo pumps, livestock watering, local production, maintenance, manuals, rural supply systems, safe water supply, small-scale activities, swn pumps |
Custom 1 | 232.2 |
Translated Title | Low cost water supply for human consumption, cattle watering, small scale irrigation. Part 2. Pumps and pumping equipment |