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TitleInventario nacional del sector de agua potable y saneamiento basico. Tomo 2. Gestion de los servicios
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsGarcia, MI
Pagination128 p. : 9 fig., 41 tab.
Date Published1999-02-01
PublisherColombia, Ministerio de Desarrollo Economico
Place PublishedBogota, Colombia
Keywordscollection charges, colombia, financial management, manpower, safe water supply, sewerage, small towns, statistics, tariffs, urban areas, water supply personnel

Public services information in Colombia, on financial and administrative bases,  the human resources of the companies  that supply these services and the projects in course. It comprise two modules, in the first of which is presented a view of the commercial administration the entities of the services of water supply and sewer system, with information included about the suscribers, its structures and level of rates, relationship of financial states, future projects and the personnel that works in the companies of public services. In a second module, the commercial administration of the companies of urban cleaning is analyzed, showing the classification of the users, the structure and levels applied of rates and the relationship invoicing/collection. The document concludes with the limitations to carry out this part of the investigation, due to the faulty available information in many entities, in such aspects as: suscribers, micro measuring, rates, billing, budgets, etc.

Custom 1827
Translated TitleNational inventory of the drinking water supply and sanitation sector. Volume 2. Services management

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