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TitleProyecto: diseno integral del sistemas de abastecimiento de agua para el corregimiento de Mondomo (Municipio Santander de Quilichao) : estudio de costos y tarifas para el acueducto del corregimiento de Mondomo
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsCali, COCINARA-
Pagination44 p. : 23 tab.
Date Published1997-07-01
Place PublishedCali, Colombia
Keywordscolombia santander de quilichao, safe water supply, sdilac, sdiman, tariffs, water costs, water supply charges
Custom 1264.0, 827
Translated TitleProject: integral design of water supply systems for the Mondomo territory (municipality of Santander de Quilichao) : study of the costs and tariffs for water supply in the Mondomo territory

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