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TitleSistemas de captacion de agua de lluvia en America Latine y el Caribe : base para el desarrollo sostenibile : manual tecnico
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsM. Garduno, A
Pagination96 p. : 49 fig., 15 tab.
Date Published1998-01-01
PublisherAgencia de Cooperacion Tecnica IICA-Mexico
Place PublishedMexico City, Mexico
Keywordscaribbean, latin america, manuals, rainwater harvesting, sdilac, sdiwat, technology

Basic guide for the establishment of rainwater captation, directed to professionals, technicians and producers in the agricultural sector. It aims to introduce modern technology in agriculture. The objective is to contribute to overcome the drought effects in order to increase the cultivated areas and the agricultural production and, thus, improve farmers' living conditions. It presents a scope about the problem of  desertification in Latin America. A call is made to develop programs of indiginous and traditional technology, combined with modern knowledge, generating a technological package about captation and use of rain water. 

Custom 1213.1, 825, 826, 827
Translated TitleRainwater catchment systems in Latin America and the Caribbean : base for sustainable development : technical manual

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