Various stakeholders implementing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in Ghana currently use different approaches in implementing the project cycle to deliver their facilities. This has been identified as a challenge to the involvement of local government in enhancing the long-term... Read more...
Triple-S Ghana is working with the Inter-agency Coordinating Committee (ICC) to strengthen water and sanitation sector learning in the Northern Region. The Inter-agency Coordinating Committee is convened by the Guinea Worm Eradication Programme in collaboration with the Northern Regional... Read more...
One of the pillars of the new Dutch development policy is to promote private sector involvement as a motor for economic growth. Read more...
If it is possible to move in a few years from an iPod to an iPhone or and iPad, why are we in the water sector still struggling with the handpump? When can we expect the iPump 2.0? Did Steve Jobs die too early to invent this? As the naked truth about poor levels of functionality of hand pumps... Read more...
Moving from a project cycle to a service delivery approach in Ghana. Read more...
The latest trend in Dutch politics is to label anything of parties of another political colour as hobbyism. Read more...
While the problem of poor sustainability - and the threat it poses to achieving the MDGs - may be well recognised, concrete steps for addressing it are considerably less clear. Triple-S, an IRC initiative funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently completed a 13-country study to... Read more...
How do you set a tariff for water in a small town in a developing country, so that people can afford to pay and there is enough money to sustain the service? Lamisi Dabire from Triple-S Ghana asks the Akatsi Water and Sanitation Board, in the Volga Region, Ghana.