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IRC, in partnership with Royal Haskoning-DHV is supporting the implementation of the Extension and Improvement of Water Supply Services in Chuquiaguillo, La Paz, Bolivia. The contribution of IRC is in strengthening the institutional capacity of the utility, EPSAS (Public and Social Water and... Read more...
Dans la foulée des changements sociopolitiques d'octobre 2014 au Burkina Faso, les conseils municipaux de l'ensemble des communes du pays ont été dissous. En perdant leurs partenaires clés, les ONG et associations conduisant des projets d'eau potable et d'assainissement doivent désormais trouver de... Read more...
The growth of inequality is a major threat to prosperity and stability. Government leadership and government investment is needed to provide water and sanitation services to the poor. Read more...
We have started the final year for reaching the Millennium Development Goals, including the one aiming to provide safe water for and access to sanitation for half the world population. The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme of BRAC is one of the largest sanitation implementation... Read more...
At the 14th World Toilet Summit 2015, BRAC received the "Hall of Fame Award" for significant contributions to the sanitation sector in Bangladesh. Read more...
2015 is the year that the Millennium Development Goals make way for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An important role in both development agendas is reserved for water, sanitation and hygiene issues that leave much to be desired in many countries. OneWorld dived into the world of... Read more...
WHO is launching a global plan of action to improve access to WASH at all health care facilities. This kind of intersectoral collaboration is set to become a major theme in the post-2015 development agenda. Read more...
IRC country director of Ghana Vida Duti reflects back on 2014 and sets her goals for the coming year: consolidating the successes! Read more...
2015 is het jaar dat de Millenniumdoelen plaatsmaken voor de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). Een belangrijke rol in beide ontwikkelingsagenda's is weggelegd voor water, sanitatie en hygiëne, onderwerpen die in veel landen nog te wensen overlaten. OneWorld dook in de wereld van de... Read more...
This week (19-23 January 2015), IRC will be present at the 3rd International Faecal Sludge Management (FSM3) conference in Hanoi, Vietnam to co-present a workshop on city planning for faecal sludge management. On Thursday 22 January from 14.00 – 17.30, IRC is co-organising this workshop together... Read more...
At the start of the New Year, newspaper and magazines are all busy making predictions of what the year may have in store. Personally, I always enjoy reading The Economist’s “ The World in… ”. In that magazine, predictions are made of how political events may unfold in the year to come, how the... Read more...
This briefing note proposes a process for achieving transformational change in urban sanitation. Read more...
BRAC plans to expand its scope beyond WASH to water security and from rural to urban areas, as well as moving from service provider to facilitator. Read more...
IRC is co-organising a workshop together with GIZ and EAWAG/Sandec on "Planning Tools for City-wide Faecal Septage Management using Whole System Approaches". Read more...
How does India's new large-scale sanitation monitoring effort compare with similar initiatives in Bangladesh and Indonesia? Read more...
IRC country director of India Kurian Baby on how to realise Mahatma Gandhi's dream of Clean India, and what he wishes for his country in 2015. Read more...
In Bangladesh, the lack of separate latrines for girls and menstrual hygiene facilities in secondary schools are major factors in the disproportionate rate of absence and dropout of adolescent girls. Read more...
Comment fait-on quand on n'a pas de toilettes à la maison? Se soulager en plein air n'est pas aussi simple qu'on pourrait le penser, en particulier pour les femmes. Ceci est une histoire sur les défis auxquels les femmes font face quotidiennement quand elles n'ont pas d'autre choix que celui de se soulager en plein air.
Rencontre avec Asmao Diallo de la commune rurale de Gorgadji, dans la région du Sahel au Burkina Faso. Comme 94% de la population dans les zones rurales du Burkina Faso, sa famille n'avait pas de toilettes à domicile. Ce n'est que récemment qu'ils en ont enfin eu. Dans cette vidéo, Mme Diallo explique les défis et les risques auxquels elle faisait face chaque jour à la recherche d'un endroit pour se soulager. Elle nous fait part également du changement que la décision du père de famille de construire des latrines traditionnelles, a produit dans sa vie.
Cette vidéo est la première d'une série de trois qui visent à donner une voix aux femmes vivant dans les communautés rurales du Burkina Faso, où les femmes ont rarement l'occasion d'exprimer leurs préoccupations quant à la défécation en plein air, et encore moins dans la prise de décisions des ménages sur la construction des latrines.
What do you do when you don't have a toilet at home? Relieving oneself out in the open is not as simple as one might think, especially for women. This is a story on the challenges women face on a daily basis when they've got no choice but to relieve themselves out in the open.
Meet Asmao Diallo, from the rural community of Gorgadji, in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. Like 94% of Burkina Faso's rural population, her family did not have a toilet at home- until recently. In this video, Ms Diallo explains the challenges and risks she faced every day in the search of a place to relieve herself, as well as how the père de famille's decision to build a traditional latrine changed her life.
This video is the first in a series of three that aim to give a voice to Burkina Faso's women living in rural communities, where women rarely have the opportunity to express their concerns about defecating in the open, and where women barely have a say in making household decisions on the construction of a latrine.
How long it will take for everyone to get access to water and sanitation? Alternative statistical methods and data harmonisation hold the answer. Read more...