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Triple-S has been leading a process of active innovation and experimentation in Ghana (as well as in other countries). This involves running a number of experiments (five in Ghana and seven in Uganda) spanning the range of areas where innovative approaches to current challenges have been identified. Read more...
Triple-S has been leading a process of active innovation and experimentation in Uganda (as well as in other countries). This involves running a number of experiments spanning the range of areas where innovative approaches to current challenges have been identified. Read more...
Since commencing activities in July 2014, studies are now well underway including a baseline study covering 16 small towns and research on bottlenecks to private sector engagement in WASH. Read more...
Several Dutch water sector organisations have written to Minister Ploumen (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) about the Dutch targets for water supply. Read more...
S'agissant d'assurer des services adéquats pour les pauvres, les approches basées sur la tarification ne suffisent pas. Read more...
L'une des principales conditions pour la fourniture de services d'eau potable est que le fournisseur de service doit être en mesure de garantir que l'eau ne présente pas de risque pour la consommation. Mais qu'est-ce qu'on doit faire si on habite dans une région où ces services ne sont pas à portée... Read more...
One of the main conditions for providing potable water services is that the service provider must be able to guarantee that the water is safe for consumption. But what happens when you live in an area where such services are not within reach? Can you be sure that the water that is available is safe... Read more...
Ghana is experiencing economic growth. Donors say that more domestic generated resources need to be raised and channeled to the water and sanitation sector. At the same time there is a decentralisation of responsibilities for water and sanitation to the municipal level. This video outlines the challenges with funding both at national and at decentralised level.
Read more...IRC's event on November 12th explored how public finance can be used effectively together with aid and private finance to support sustainable services at scale. Read more...
THE HAGUE - Today is World Toilet Day. On this day, the United Nations along with governments and organisations worldwide ask attention for sanitation and for the 2.5 billion people that still lack access. And on this day, the international think-and-do tank IRC presents its ideas how to '... Read more...
Stef Smits legt uit wat er in de brief over de internationale drinkwaterdoelstelling staat die de water sector vandaag aan Minister Ploumen aanbiedt. Read more...
Today is World Toilet Day. On this day, the United Nations along with governments and organisations worldwide ask attention for sanitation and for the 2.5 billion people that lack access to safe and hygienic toilets and latrines. On this day, IRC presents the working paper "Towards Systemic Change... Read more...
On World Toilet Day, IRC presents its ideas how to 'systemically change sanitation in cities'. A new working paper marks one of the first steps in finding answers on how to reform a sanitation sector, which is failing a large part of the urban population. Read more...
Key websites and background documents on institutional WASH: WASH in schools; health centres; WASH at the work place; and WASH in prisons. Read more...
A lot of effort is put into getting everyone in the world access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitary services, but is everyone really included? As recent as 2011 the first ever world report on disability has been published by the World Health Organization and the World Bank (2011). It... Read more...
This third post - in a series of articles on water resources management by Charles Batchelor and John Butterworth - looks at the idea of water security. In the first article we discussed IWRM and the 'i' for integration in water resources management, and the second looked at water services from a... Read more...
Governments, civil society and the private sector need to work together to make water and sanitation services available to everyone. IRC's event provided an opportunity to discuss how taxes can complement trade and tariffs and to learn from an innovative health insurance model in Africa. Read more...
In an increasingly urbanising world, with some 863 million people living in informal urban settlements in 2012 (based on UN estimates), there is a... Read more...
L'accès à l'eau joue un rôle important pour l'amélioration du bien-être des femmes du Burkina Faso. Mais les femmes aussi, jouent un rôle crucial dans la garantie de la pérennité des services d'eau dans le pays. Mais quel est le principal défi auquel sont confrontées les femmes au Burkina Faso en... Read more...