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IRC and The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill have announced a new collaboration, which will advance both organisations’ goal – to enhance the well-being of people in developing countries through improved water, sanitation and hygiene. Read more...
La population riveraine de la boulangerie Wend Konta située dans l’arrondissement de Sig-Noghin a manifesté son ral-le-bol ce mercredi 7 novembre 2012. La raison, elle dénonce la construction d’une fosse septique qui aurait des conséquences sur la santé des habitants se trouvant à proximité de... Read more...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has chosen the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) to lead a new sanitation learning and sharing platform. The Gates Foundation’s Sanitation Science and Technology Programme has over 80 projects. SEI and... Read more...
Afin de permettre aux populations les plus pauvres mais riches en talents et en capacités d'initiative de s'en sortir elles-mêmes, le Secours Catholique et la Fondation Caritas viennent d'achever, avec le concours de l'ONEMA et de l'agence de l'eau Adour Garonne, un Guide technique (français et... Read more...
Dam Mogbanté, Secrétaire exécutif du Partenariat ouest-africain de l’eauDans un contexte de boom minier dans la sous-région, les impacts environnementaux notamment les risques de pollution des ressources en eau sont à redouter. Read more...
This workshop is part of an initiative to promote the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in the WASH sector through building the capacity of WASH sector professionals. The effort ultimately aims to influence the way that the WASH sector addresses the challenges posed by climate change... Read more...
Research and learning are set to become important elements in national planning and monitoring of sanitation and water services. That is, at least, the aim of the Research and Learning (R&L) constituency of the Sanitation and Water for All global partnership (SWA). The R&L constituency will... Read more...
The third Costing Sustainable Services online course for WASH sector professionals is now open for registration. Read more...
Research and learning are set to become important elements in national planning and monitoring of sanitation and water services. That is, at least, the aim of the Research and Learning (R&L) constituency of the Sanitation and Water for All global partnership (SWA), which meets face-to-face for... Read more...
The report of a recent workshop on 'Consensus building .. on the provision of micro-finance for water supply, sanitation and hygiene and multiple use services in ethiopia' includes some interesting ideas of insurance products and multiple use systems that deliver productive benefits beyond... Read more...
Often, local institutions of communities play an important role in improving the WASH service delivery and standards of services. The Water Committee in Jankampet village, Andhra Pradesh (India) teaches a few new lessons on WASH governance, investments and service levels as this short film shows. Read more...
Mozambique's anti-corruption agency GCCC has arrested the former director and financial administrator of the central regional office of the government’s Water Supply Investments and Assets Fund (FIPAG). José Duarte and Henriques Leonardo were expelled from FIPAG in mid-2011, but it apparently took... Read more...
Cuchumuela: primer municipio en dar cobertura de agua potable al 100 por ciento de su población. Read more...
Du lundi 8 au Vendredi 12 Octobre 2012 s'est tenue au Bénin à Marina-Hôtel la première session de la Plateforme Technique Consultative dans le secteur de l'eau et de l'assainissement (AEPHA) entre le Royaume des Pays-Bas et le Bénin, mise en place entre les deux Etats, le 12 janvier 2012, suite à... Read more...
Estudios de caso mostraron que la práctica de usos múltiples del agua es una realidad en muchas comunidades rurales de Honduras. Se desarrolló una guía para anticipar estos usos en el diseño y la gestión de los servicios de agua, y se la aplicó en comunidades del departamento de La Paz. Read more...
Villa Gualberto Villarroel, better known as Cuchumuela, is the first municipality in Bolivia to achieve 100 percent water coverage. Official recognition for their achievement came from Bolivia’s water and environment ministry MMAyA. It is the story of a successful partnership between local... Read more...
IRC’s roots are in knowledge management, capacity building and advocacy. Since our founding in 1968, our focus and ambition have evolved from generating knowledge and making it accessible to the sector, towards playing an active role in the facilitation of learning and systemic change in the... Read more...
L'enquête de satisfaction des bénéficiaires de la mise en œuvre du Programme National d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Assainissement (PN-AEPA), commanditée par le secrétariat permanent des ONG (SP-ONG), vient de paraître. L'étude s'est déroulée dans six communes: Baskouré, Ziga, Kindi, Boni,... Read more...