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Vera van der Grift, IRC Information Officer gives examples of how the life-cycle costs approach has been taken up by global level actors. From international donors to regional lending banks, WASH sector actors are thinking about the importance of financing asset management and capital replacement... Read more...
The new budget brief by FDC and UNICEF analyses budget allocations for water and sanitation in Mozambique. The report identifies the disproportion between capital expenditure and running costs, as well as how external capital expenditure is used for covering running costs. Read more...
The assumption information is 'only' required to 'flow' turned out to be false! First information has to be made... Read more...
The Sanitation Marketing (SanMark) Community of Practice is a WASH Reference Group initiative supported by the AusAID Innovations Fund and managed by WaterAid Australia. The website provides information on SanMark webinars and in-country training events, and allows visitors to submit questions and... Read more...
SWASH+ is an action-research and advocacy project focused on increasing the scale, impact and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in Kenya. Read more...
What if resources from all projects in a district were brought together? What if in addition to constructing water systems we also planned and financed for its operation and maintenance? The following story is a fantasy. It is about a fictitious somewhere in the developing world, and what happened... Read more...
Check out Tessa Livingstone's disturbing new video on the crisis of water supply. Why, after $360 million of investment do nearly a billion people still lack healthy water? Why do the wells, pumps and pipes, installed lovingly by donors across the world, fail time and time again? And who now has... Read more...
One of the most quoted WASH statistics was recently “downgraded”. For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, not $8 but “only” $4 is returned in economic returns through increased productivity. This recalculation, says WHO, is mainly a result of higher investment cost estimates and the more... Read more...
This is a photo story about Bilkis Begum a single mother of five who has installed a toilet in her house. She was able to do this with the help of the BRAC WASH programme which gives out subsidies to the hardcore poor for installing a twin pit latrine. Read more...
Une étude publiée par un groupe de 40 anciens dirigeants internationaux, auquel appartiennent Bill Clinton et Nelson Mandela, sonne l’alarme : d’ici 2025, la quantité d’eau disponible sur la Terre ne sera plus suffisante pour satisfaire les besoins de tous les hommes. Read more...
O objectivo deste documento da WASHCost Moçambique é analisar a relação entre os valores dos contratos assinados pelo Governo no ano 2011 e o valor final pago no final do contrato. Read more...
Análise dos custos de construção e manutenção de infra-estruturas de saneamento em alguns Bairros de Maputo. Read more...
In the last ten years, Mozambique undertook major reforms in water provision in rural and urban areas. These reforms are central to promoting sustainable water provision and to promoting equity. Read more...
L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) et l’Autorité Palestinienne de l’Eau (PWA) travaillent ensemble pour recueillir les 310 millions d’euros nécessaires à la construction d’une usine de dessalement et de distribution d’eau dans la Bande de Gaza. Les pays arabes, coordonnés … Read more...
“Government has an unavoidable role to play towards sustainable water services at scale in Ghana, as the only actor with the legitimacy to lead development of an agreed framework for service delivery”, says Mrs Vida Duti, Country Director of IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in Ghana. Read more...