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IRC authors Catarina Fonseca, Rachel Cardone and Sophie Trémolet contributed to a new book titled “The Urban Transformation - Health, Shelter and Climate Change”, published by Routledge on 9 July 2012. The book describes the ongoing urban transformation towards a world in which, by 2050, more than... Read more...
On Friday 29 June 2012, WASH sector professionals and journalists gathered at Sidwaya ( Hebdo newspaper from Ouagadougou) for the Fourth Round of discussions on water – Palabres d’eau. With Abu-bakr Adiz, Director General of Editions Sidwaya, serving as the activity’s Chairperson, attendees... Read more...
A policy review [1] of Dutch aid during 1990 to 2011 to improve drinking water and sanitation services in developing countries found that while millions of peole have gained access, the impact on health and sustainability was limited. The main focus of the review is on the period from 2004 when aid... Read more...
André Uandela - Country Director WASHCost Mozambique stated that in order for a household to move up a step on the sanitation service ladder, a household will need to pay 2.5 times more than what was originally spent for the current service level. Read more...
Huge access gains but a limited impact on health and sustainability are the mixed results of Dutch aid in a two-decade aid programme. Read more...
WASHCost is developing a free online course to assist water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) professionals around to world with applying life-cycle costing in their work and organisation. The online course can be used by sector professionals with little or no experience of life-cycle costing... Read more...
Basé au Burkina Faso, le programme Sani Faso a pour objectif de construire 16 000 latrines dans 12 communes à travers le pays et intervient dans le suivi des actions dans le domaine de l’hygiène et de l’utilisation faite des structures d’assainissement dans ses communes cibles. Lors de la clôture,... Read more...
Basé au Burkina Faso, le programme Sani Faso a pour objectif de construire 16 000 latrines dans 12 communes à travers le pays et intervient dans le suivi des actions dans le domaine de l'hygiène et de l'utilisation faite des structures d'assainissement dans ses communes cibles. Lors de la clôture,... Read more...
'I used to have this technical background. There was a borehole and I was supervising people drilling. But at CONIWAS, it has been more about governance, advocacy, transparency and accountability: the social aspects.' Read more...
Era demasiado joven e inexperto. Decían que no había manera de que Constantino López pudiera llevar agua limpia a cada uno de los 5 800 hondureños que vivían en las 15 ciudades y pueblos que administraba como alcalde. Pero López no se desanimó y en tan sólo cinco años, con la ayuda de Water For P... Read more...
A series of videos is being produced on the life-cycle costs approach and its use in Ghana, India, Burkina Faso and Mozambique. Read more...
Dans le cadre du programme SaniFaso, plus de 16,000 latrines seront construites à l’horizon 2014. Afin d’assurer le suivi non seulement de la construction mais aussi de l’entretien des latrines construites par les ménages, l’équipe IRC/SaniFaso a développé un outil de suivi des latrines à l’... Read more...
Ce document présente comment le programme SaniFaso a su mettre en place un mécanisme d’embauche de techniciens (inter)communaux innovant. En travaillant avec les communes, les partenaires du programme ont développé un montage administratif et financier permettant un transfert progressif des... Read more...
SaniFaso—a Burkina Faso based programme aimed at building 16,000 latrines in 12 communes throughout the country—is looking at hygiene interventions and use of sanitation facilities in the focus communes. On 12 July, during the final WASHCost team project meeting, members of the WASHCost Burkina... Read more...
Greenpeace warns that new coal-fired power stations and coal mines will lead to a water crisis in South Africa. It calls on the government to quit coal and embrace the country’s renewable energy potential. Read more...
Une trentaine d’ONG françaises, regroupées au sein de la Coalition Eau, étaient représentées au sommet de Rio+20 par Kristel Malegué, coordinatrice du réseau. Dans une interview accordée au journal en ligne burkinabè,, elle reconnait que le secteur de l’eau … Read more...
I have written before about our work on life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) in Honduras. The idea is to look into the real costs of investment programmes and projects in Honduras, so see which intervention model is the most cost-effective. Read more...
Critics claim that the Zimbabwean government is failing to stop diamond mines from polluting village water supplies in Marange. Read more...