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In Honduras, the theme of MUS has been promoted throughout a series of workshops by IRC in collaboration with the Honduran network for water and sanitation RAS-HON. This in the end has led to the formation of a thematic group which is being hosted by the resource centre of RAS-HON. One of the first... Read more...
Come and see a 5-minute video on SaniFaso as a learning project during the “Learning Sanitation Sector” side event session S6 on the 19 th of July (from 10:00 -13:00 hours). Read more...
A quote from the IRC Newsletter 143 from May/June 1983 is being used in 2011 in a new situational analysis of water and sanitation technology in Africa. Read more...
The thematic group on transparency of the resource centre network RAS-HON in Honduras was formed, after a series of workshops on the theme, conducted by the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank Institute and IRC. One of the first activities of the thematic group was to formulate a... Read more...
In rural India, extremes of coercion are being used to encourage toilet use writes Liz Chatterjee in the Guardian’s Poverty Matters blog. Her provocative post has drawn comments from the likes of Robert Chambers, Rose George, Ned Breslin and Erik Harvey. Read more...
Interesting key message emerge from a new Research Brief from a recent WSP/World Bank study to improve understanding of the financing of on-site sanitation at the household level through analysis of field experiences in six countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, India (Maharashtra), Mozambique, Senegal,... Read more...
A Learning Sanitation Sector is one of the IRC and partners' sessions at the Africa San 3 Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, in the morning of 19 July 2011. The session will assess practical learning experiences in the sanitation sector from a number of African countries. This will be followed by a... Read more...
A parliamentary committee wants to cancel a 550 million Rand (US$ 81.7 million) rural sanitation contract with an NGO for its failure to deliver services on time. The ministers of Public Works and of Human Settlements want to give the NGO, Independent Development Trust , a second chance. The... Read more...
Ms. Nanu Maiya Giri, principal of Chuna Devi Lower Secondary School appreciates the effort of her community people proudly. She claims that it’s their dedication that turned the catchment area of school into a total sanitation zone. According to her, after prolonged dedication the Magar tole, Danda... Read more...
Monitoring efforts need to refocus from tracking coverage (the number of systems built and users who have access) to tracking sustainable service delivery. This was the main message of the keynote paper delivered by Triple-S director Ton Schouten at the First Consultation on Post-2015 Monitoring,... Read more...
WaterAid UK extended an invitation to Triple-S Ghana to attend a workshop on sustainability organised for its West Africa Program staff and partners in Monrovia Liberia, during 1-3 June 2011. The workshop: “Access to Sustainable Rural Water Services” was held in recognition of the sustainability... Read more...
Coordination of actors at the national and districts level remains a key challenge in Uganda’s WASH sector. The sector is awash with government and non-government actors at national, district, sub-county and even the parish level. However, the variations in mandates, agenda and resources often lead... Read more...
Extension workers in Lira District have unanimously agreed to initiate and strengthen sub-county coordination and learning platforms in their respective areas of operation. This was at a recent extension workers’ learning meeting organised by Triple-S Uganda, TSU 2 and the Lira District Water... Read more...
The WASH Sector in Uganda is awash with case studies of innovations that have transformed communities. Every so often, sector actors gather in different forums and share experiences on what they are each doing and the emancipation arising from their interventions. At sub-county, district and even... Read more...
The Lira District Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee (DWSCC) got a shot in the arm when Triple-S offered to be the Secretariat for the committee. The offer followed a meeting between the Triple-S Lira District Learning Facilitator, Robert Otim and the District Water Officer Engineer Omoko... Read more...
In April 2011, the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group launched its new Urban Development Strategy . The Strategy is anchored on three pillars: infrastructure delivery, governance and private sector development. The infrastructure development pillar emphasises delivery and expansion of basic... Read more...
CWSA is leading the adoption of a Service Delivery Approach in Ghana as a way of improving rural water service delivery. Read more...