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Sudan’s irrigation and water resources ministry and the United Nations launched a US$1-billion cash appeal on 27 June 2011 to help reverse the rapid decline in Darfur's water supplies, seen as one the key drivers in the region's conflict. The region has witnessed a demographic explosion in the past... Read more...
In 2010, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) and the World Bank conducted a study to improve understanding of the financing of on-site sanitation at the household level through analysis of field experiences in six countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, India (Maharashtra), Mozambique, Senegal, Viet Nam. Read more...
In rural India, extremes of coercion are being used to encourage toilet use writes Liz Chatterjee in the Guardian's Poverty Matters blog. Her provocative post has drawn comments from the likes of Robert Chambers, Rose George, Ned Breslin and Erik Harvey. Read more...
Risks that can impair development effectiveness in the urban water supply sector are multidimensional, says a new report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This highlights the sector's vulnerability to risks in the absence of appropriate mitigating measures. Read more...
One of the key components of ensuring effective and sustained water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is life-cycle costing. That means considering all the costs – from capital investment to maintenance, minor and major repairs, direct and indirect support costs and the costs of capital for... Read more...
FHI, a global public health and economic development organisation based in Durham, North Carolina, has agreed to acquire the programmes, expertise, and other assets of Washington-based Academy for Educational Development. Read more...
Many countries are moving away from a focus on infrastructures towards ensuring continuous services and investment in planning, infrastructure provision monitoring and post-construction support. However, significant gaps and disparities remain. This module is about the approaches and tools used for... Read more...
Ashley Murray, founder and director of Waste Enterprisers in Ghana, has been awarded US$ 10,000 by National Geographic’s 2011 Emerging Explorers Program. The program recognises promising young adventurers, scientists, photographers, and storytellers. Read more...
Un séminaire international sur « les mécanismes et les stratégies à mettre en œuvre pour faire du droit à l'eau une réalité » a été organisé par l'Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel en collaboration avec le PNUD le 29 juin 2011, pour débattre la possibilité de créer un mécanisme de régulation... Read more...
L'Algérie est un pays exemple dans le Nord-Afrique (Mena) en matière de mobilisation et d'utilisation rationnelle des ressources en eau, a affirmé hier un représentant de la Banque mondiale (BM) lors d'un atelier sur «les perspectives de l'eau dans la région Mena, lien entre le dessalement et les... Read more...
An international group of forty-five WASH professionals participated in the training session “Costing sustainable services: The life-cycle cost approach”, which took place at the WASH 2011 Conference in Brisbane, Australia, May 2011. This training session is part of the “Water and Sanitation... Read more...
The immediate past Director for Technical Services at the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), Mr. R. K. D. Van Ess has stated that the concept of the Life Cycle Cost Approach (LCCA) on costing WASH services being researched by the WASHCost Project in Ghana, is a laudable one for... Read more...
The Country Director for WASHCost Project Ghana, Dr Kwabena Nyarko, has called on the WASH sector in Ghana to use the Life-Cycle Cost Approach to ensure sustainability of service delivery in the sector. At the CWSA head office, Dr Nyarko said WASHCost has quantified the actual cost of delivering... Read more...
Ton Schouten, Director of IRC’s Triple-S initiative presented the keynote paper at the First Consultation on Developing post-2015 Indicators for Monitoring Drinking-Water and Sanitation in Berlin, held during 3-5 May and organised by WHO and UNICEF. Read more...
Le projet EcoSan UE3, fruit du partenariat entre le Centre régional pour l'eau potable et l'assainissement (CREPA) et l'Union européenne (UE), tire à sa fin. Read more...