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The excellent Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation organised, last September, a seminar on social learning and networking. I couldn't go to the workshop but a colleague of mine attended it and shared the report, and so finally I got to read the seminar report and found a lot of useful... Read more...
S.M. Sehgal Foundation received the 3rd National Ground Water Augmentation Award-2009 on the occasion of World Water Day 2011. The award, instituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is given for “innovative practices of groundwater augmentation through rainwater harvesting... Read more...
La compagnie Coca-Cola et la Coca-Cola Africa Foundation ont annoncé mercredi qu’elles consacreraient six millions de dollars américains à des partenariats dans le domaine de l’approvisionnement en eau et du traitement des eaux usées en vue d’améliorer les conditions de … Read more...
A presentation on 'What is Learning?' Time for new stuff!!! Ah, love the learning! Read more...
This document briefly describes the background, objectives and methodology of the East Africa Practitioners Workshop on Pro-Poor Urban Sanitation and Hygiene, held at LAICO Umubano Kigali on 29th-31st of March 2011. Read more...
J'essuie la poussière de mes yeux pour ce qui me semble être la centième fois, je résiste à l'envie de gratter les morsures tenaces de mes chevilles, et je m’approche de Gladys Quispe. Read more...
Pour sa première édition, le Maquis des Sciences accueillera Arthur Riedacker , co-Prix Nobel de la Paix pour sa contribution aux travaux du Groupe d’Experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat (GIEC), Eric Servat , directeur de recherche à l’IRD et Philippe Girard , conseillé... Read more...
For the evaluation of the South Asia Hygiene Practitioners’ Workshop, 1 – 4 February 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh, we would like to ask you to share your short stories about the workshop. To share your story, please click on the evaluation form link below. After having written down your story, you will... Read more...
An introductory blog from IRC's Learning for Change team. Read more...
L'eau pour les villes : répondre aux défis urbains, tel est le thème de la Journée de l'eau (22 mars), dont l'événement principal a lieu dans la ville du Cap (Afrique du Sud). L'UNESCO, qui participe à cette célébration, organise une série d'événements directement liés au thème de la Journée... Read more...
PARIS - Des ONG se mobilisent pour la journée de l'eau mardi, avec des spots télévisés sur le thème "l'eau non potable, première cause de mortalité au monde" pour Solidarités international ou 200 pailles géantes dans des égouts à Paris et en province pour Action contre la faim. Alors que plus de la... Read more...
Ceci est un message de l’ONG Eau Vive à l’occasion de la journée mondiale de l’eau, célébrée chaque année le 22 mars. Un an pour s’entendre, et décider d’agir. En mars 2012, la communauté internationale de l’eau se réunira à Marseille, pour un 6e Forum de l’Eau qui se veut celui des solutions. Des... Read more...
Four years after news agency IRIN released its award-winning documentary film "Slum Survivors", its makers returned to the Kenyan slum of Kibera to see what had happened to the main characters. Read more...
World Water Day 2011 (20-22 March) was celebrated in Cape Town, South Africa. This year, the theme of World Water Day was ‘Water and Urbanisation’. Global participants were given the opportunity to discuss how to tackle urban water and sanitation challenges in Africa. IRC’s very own Dick de Jong... Read more...
SNV staff from Vietnam published a short story from the "Rural Sanitation Supply Chains and Finance" workshop from January 16 to 21, 2011, that SNV Vietnam organized jointly with IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and SNV Asia in the north western Dien Bien province. Read more...
The 4 th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN 4) will be hosted from 4-8 April 2011 in Sri Lanka. South Asia has progressed relatively well with sanitation and hygiene policies, institutions and investments. However it remains the region of the world with the largest number of people... Read more...
When faced with a difficult problem, one of the best ways to determine the way ahead is to ask the advice of someone who has faced a similar situation. This logic motivated a group of extremely enthusiastic WASH practitioners from Liberia and Sierra Leone to visit Bangladesh in November 2010. They... Read more...
In November 2010, WaterAid, with support from the research consortium SHARE, brought together 16 practitioners and researchers with expertise in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, equity and inclusion, education and gender to share knowledge and experiences and develop a research... Read more...
WSSCC will host a Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene from 9 to 14 October 2011 at the Mumbai Renaissance Convention Centre, bringing some 500 WSSCC members and sector professionals together in India for a week of sharing and learning around vital sanitation and hygiene topics. Read more...