A workshop, 'New Approaches to Scaling Up WASH Technologies', was organised at this year's UNC's Water and Health conference to introduce novel approaches to scaling up WASH technologies. One of these approaches is the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF). Read more...
Two years after a district assessment of handpump functionality in Ghana, why have things got worse, rather than better? Read more...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have set up a joint trust fund to expand non-sewered sanitation and septage management solutions across Asia. The Gates Foundation will invest US$ 15 million into the new Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund, which... Read more...
The WAS-RoPSS project, or the 'rope pump project' is working towards the development of guidelines for the standardisation of rope pump manufacturing. Read more...
Elder Joe is the proud secretary of a water committee managing a handpump on the outskirts of Odumase town in Ghana. But the committee would rather manage a different type of system. Read more...
Reducing downtime of hand pumps using sms technology, Ghana. Read more...
The BRAC WASH II research call for low-cost water technologies was won by PRACTICA Foundation, based in The Netherlands. Their project title is ASTRA, Aiding Sustainable Water Technology Realization in Arsenic and Salinity contaminated Areas of Bangladesh. Read more...
SWIBANGLA is the name of the winning project tendered by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre for the BRAC WASH II programme. SWIBANGLA stands for managing saltwater intrusion impacts in Bangladesh and was kicked-off formally at the BRAC head office in Dhaka on Sunday 7 July, 2013. Read more...
The 'Value at the end of the Sanitation Value-chain' (VeSV) project aims to develop and adopt business models for a low cost, safe method for the collection and processing of faecal sludge from pit latrines; a method that can be operated by local entrepreneurs and results in the production of a... Read more...
The Sanitation Technology for Enterprises (SANTE) applied research project aims to identify safe sustainable solutions for sanitation in high water table areas, rocky areas and flood prone areas in Bangladesh. Read more...
“Why bother about WASH technologies? Current discourse is on sustainable service delivery monitoring and governance. Many WASH technologies, such as the India Mark II handpump and the VIP latrine, were successfully adopted and have improved the lives of millions. However, not all promising WASH... Read more...
Technology Applicability Framework - a tool for assessing applicability and scalability of WASH technologies Read more...
On 3 June 2013, IRC International Water and Sanitation centre hosted a webinar about both tools, currently under development by the WASHTech project. Read more...
Dr. Peter Morgan has been named the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his lifelong dedication to improving sanitation and water technologies for the poor. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden will present the prize to Dr. Morgan at a Royal Award Ceremony during the 2013 World Water Week in... Read more...
Presentation by Benedict Tuffuor of TREND (Ghana) on the use of the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) to provide recommendations for improvement on the Rope Pump within the Ghanaian context, 3 June 2013 Read more...
WASHTech Webinar Presentation TAF & TIP
Presentations on Markets, technology and toolkits: viability and sustainability during the Monitoring Sustainable WASH Services Delivery Symposium, Addis Abeba, April, 2013. Read more...
Short video, produced for World Water Day 2013, showing technologies used in the BRAC WASH II programme to provide safe, arsenic-free water. Read more...
Everywhere in the world, even the poorest families try to beautify their houses. Then why are low-cost latrines often so ugly, ask IRC's Christine Sijbesma and Erick Baetings. Read more...