2013 is the third and final year of the WASHTech project. In January, consortium partners gathered in Accra, Ghana to reflect on the project’s progress and map out the immediate future of WASHTech. Research teams in Gahan, Burkina Faso and Uganda have undertaken three rounds of testing and... Read more...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has chosen the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) to lead a new sanitation learning and sharing platform. The Gates Foundation’s Sanitation Science and Technology Programme has over 80 projects. SEI and... Read more...
The capital city of Rwanda has turned a delay in funding for new centralised sewerage system into an opportunity. It has revised its plans so that more areas will get connected Read more...
The Water Channel is offering US$ 500 for the best idea for an alternative to the jerry can. The ergonomics of the jerry cans are clearly wrong, says Frank van Steenbergen. Up to 80 million women in Africa have to carry water daily, which can result in a high prevalence of spinal and back pain. Read more...
The WASHTech project in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Uganda is in its second year of implementation. The key activities of 2012 are to conduct a technology assessment by using the “Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)” currently under development and to document changes resulting from stakeholder... Read more...
“We will complement each other and create a win-win situation through this collaboration”, said IRC Director Nico Terra when signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Akvo Foundation on 13 March at the 6 th World Water Forum in Marseilles. Read more...
While Egypt has made good progress in urban sanitation, access to wastewater treatment in rural areas lags far behind. Read more...
Nearly half of India's 1.2 billion people have no toilet at home, but more people own a mobile phone, according to the country's latest census data. Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have toilets while 49.8% defecate in the open. The remaining 3.2% use public toilets. Read more...
“We will complement each other and create a win-win situation through this collaboration”, said IRC Director Nico Terra when signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Akvo Foundation on 13 March at the 6 th World Water Forum in Marseilles. Read more...
WASHTech has published a literature review focusing on 14 technologies used in Africa in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Read more...
The WASHTech project has published a literature review focusing on 14 technologies used in Africa in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Descriptions for each technology include a selection of interesting case studies, and an explanation as to whether the technology meets technical,... Read more...
“The story is now published. Your expertise was very helpful in sorting between the claims of the different parties, but I unfortunately didn’t end up quoting you directly due to space constraints,” Jeremy Weber, News Editor Christianity Today magazine wrote on 6 October 2011 in response to a reply... Read more...
What has happened in WASHTech in the past six to nine months? Where are the technology assessment framework (TAF) and Guidance for Technology Introduction (GTI) at? T Read more...
If it is possible to move in a few years from an iPod to an iPhone or and iPad, why are we in the water sector still struggling with the handpump? When can we expect the iPump 2.0? Did Steve Jobs die too early to invent this? As the naked truth about poor levels of functionality of hand pumps... Read more...
Each issue of WASHplus Weekly highlights new resources and publications on a wide range of topics related to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air quality (IAQ). Read more...
A team of engineering students from Brigham Young University (BYU) has developed a human-powered drill that can reach a depth of up to 75 metres at 10% to 20% the cost of a traditional motorized well rig. A prototype of … Read more...
A US-Ghanaian team has been awarded US$ 1.5 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a biorefinery that will convert fecal sludge to biodiesel and methane. Read more...
The Centre Régional pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement à faible coût ( CREPA ) has established a local chapter in Rwanda.The Rwandan Minister of State for Energy and Water, Eng Collette Ruhamya, who is also the vice chair of the CREPA Ministerial Council, launched CREPA-Rwanda at an event in... Read more...
In order to introduce the WASHTech project to the actors in the WASH sector, the project country team organized a workshop on July 14 th 2011 at CREPA HQ. Read more...
The biggest news this week in the world of water and sanitation was undoubtedly the announcement of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that it will be investing in the reinvention of the toilet. Read more...