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UgandaIRC Uganda at a glance      

The IRC team in Uganda is led by director Jane Nabunnya Mulumba

12 staff
10 projects
7 donors
€ 931 thousand invested in 2023

data from 2023

Partner districts

Kabarole and Bunyangabu


2012 IRC opens office in Kampala
2019 launch Kabarole district WASH master plan
2020-2029 implementation and scaling district approach
2030 universal access to WASH in Uganda

A challenged sector 

Despite being considered one of the most developed WASH sectors in sub–Saharan Africa, Uganda's coverage and quality of service delivery has stagnated over the last 10 years. Millions of Ugandans still live without safe water. Long a model for aid effectiveness, several long-term donors are withdrawing or switching back to project-based aid. 

Mentoring change makers 

IRC Uganda operates a ‘change hub’ that facilitates collective action among all sector players at national, regional and district levels, and with professional networks and civil society to engage in learning, knowledge management and evidence-based advocacy. IRC's work at the district level is geared towards developing and implementing District WASH Masterplans and at the regional and national levels, contributing to national targets outlined in the Third National Development and Vision 2040 plans. 

Stronger together  

Implementation of our work in 2021 was heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We came together with partners and became stronger. We have renewed our Memorandum of Understanding with Kabarole District and at national level we have renewed the MoU with the Ministry of Water and Environment. With Water For People, we are delivering our joint work plan under the Destination 2030 strategy.

Download the IRC Uganda flyer


Change makers


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Contact us

Visiting address
Plot 52
Ntinda II Road
Kampala, Uganda

Postal address
P.O. Box 40398
Kampala, Uganda

T: +256 758200808

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