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Chase, C.
Hernandez, O.
et al.
, 2012.
Global scaling up handwashing project : measuring the behavioral determinants of handwashing with soap
, (Technical paper / WSP) Washington, DC, USA: Water and Sanitation Program, WSP.
Fecha publicación: 29/04/2013
This Technical Paper presents lessons learned from the application of the Focus, Opportunity, Ability, and Motivation (FOAM) framework to identify...
Chase, C.
Do, Q.T.
, 2011.
Global scaling up handwashing project : summary findings from the impact evaluation baseline survey in Vietnam
, (Global Scaling Up Handwashing Project) S.l.: Water and Sanitation Program, WSP. Available at:
Fecha publicación: 27/05/2011
Handwashing with soap at critical times (such as after contact with feces and before handling food) has been shown to substantially reduce the risk...
Chase, C.
Do, Q.T.
, 2010.
Global scaling up handwashing project : scaling up handwashing behavior : findings from the impact evaluation baseline survey in Vietnam
, (Technical paper / WSP) Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), WSP. Available at:
Fecha publicación: 27/01/2011
In december 2006, in response to the preventable threats posed by poor sanitation and hygiene, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) launched Glo...
Hutton, G.
Chase, C.
, 2016.
The knowledge base for achieving the sustainable development goal targets on water supply, sanitation and hygiene
International journal of environmental research and public health
, 13, p.536.
Fecha publicación: 24/06/2016
While global overviews of evidence are useful as a first step, there is a need for evidence related to specific contexts, such as rural or urban...
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