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Found 23550 results
D. Hall, «El agua en manos públicas». Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), University of Greenwich, Greenwich, UK, p. 33 p., 1996.
C. Buckley, «Electronic network for developing country needs (WENDY)», in [Third Global Forum : Barbados : 30 October - 3 November 1995 : various papers presented], 1996, p. 4 p.
X. Li y Crane, N. B., Electronic styles : a handbook for citing electronic information, Rev.ed. Medford, NJ, USA: Information Today, 1996, p. 213 p.
J. T. Visscher, E. R., Q., M. V., G., Benavides, A., y C. P., M., «En la busqueda de un mejor nivel de servico : evaluacion participativa de 40 sistemas de agua y saneamiento en la Republica del Ecuador», vol. no. 30. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 67 p. : 14 fig., 3 tab., 2 boxes, 1996.
R. B. Caayupan, «Enabling beneficiaries for sustainable community-based water and sanitation projects in the Central Visayas Region». AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra, ACT, Australia, p. 43 p. : 11 fig., 1996.
C. Inter- Mini KH, «English - Khmer / Khmer - English watsan technical wordlist». Cambodia, Inter-Ministerial Wordlist Working Group, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, p. 68 p., 1996.
M. Gaye, Entrepreneurial cities : public services at the grassroots, vol. no. 184-185. Dakar, Senegal: ENDA Tiers Monde, 1996, p. 164 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
D. D. Mara y Oragui, J. I., Enumeration of rotaviruses in tropical wastewaters, vol. no. 10. Leeds, UK: University of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering, 1996, p. ix, 55 p. : tab.
D. A. Ross, Satterthwaite, D., Stephens, C., Hart, R. A., Mitlin, D., Levy, C., y Smit, J., The environment for children : understanding and acting on the environmental hazards that threaten children and their parents. London, UK: Earthscan, 1996, p. xiv, 284 p. : 58 boxes, 13 fig., 6 tab.
Australian Agency for International Development -Canberra, ACT, AU, AusAid, Environmental assessment guidelines for Australia's aid program. Canberra, ACT, Australia: AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, 1996, p. 36 p. : 4 boxes , 2 fig.
Environmental Health Project -Arlington, VA, US, EHP, «Environmental Health Project : work plan : fiscal years 1996 & 1997». Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ii, 30 p. + annexes (50 p.) : tab., 1996.
B. Feruson, «The environmental impacts and public costs of unguided informal settlements : the case of Montego Bay», Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 171-193 : 3 boxes, 3 tab., 1996.
N. I. Bombas de Managua, «Epidemiology water & sanitation : the rope and washer pump : compilation of articles related to epidemiology and water & sanitation which composed the scientific impulse for the later development and introduction of the rope and washer pump». Bombas de Mecate, Managua, Nicaragua, p. 85 p. : fig., photogr., tab., 1996.
D. Carty y Coates, S., «Establishing WASHE at district level», vol. no. 4. Community Management and Monitoring Unit, Lusaka, Zambia, p. 78 p. : ill. photogr., 1996.
H. M. Campos y von Sperling, M., «Estimation of domestic wastewater characteristics in a developing country based on socio-economic variables», Water science and technology, pp. p. 71-77 : 5 fig., 4 tab., 1996.
E. T. Ethiopian Ababa, «The Ethiopian social rehabilitation and development fund : operational manual». Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and Development Fund, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. xii, 118 p. : tab., 1996.
K. Pazlar, «Etude prospective de l'approvisionnement en eau des populations en Afrique de l'Ouest : Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal : rapport final : resume administratif». Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, Hull, Que, Canada, p. 17 p., 1996.
WHO. Regional Office for Africa -Harare, ZW, WHO / AFRO, «Etudes de cas par pays : premiere consultation regionale sur l'initiative Afrique 2000 pour l'approvisionnement en eau et l'assainissement, 25-27 juin 1996, Brazzaville, Republique du Congo», presented at the 1996-01-01, Brazzaville, Congo, 1996, p. ii, 39 p.
Netherlands. Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment -NL, VROM, «Evaluacion de futuro sobre la puesta en practica del programa de accion para agua potable y saneamiento : informe resumen». Netherlands, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 63 p., 1996.
S. V. Crea Inter San Salvador, «Evaluacion del uso y mantenimiento de letrinas construidas por el Proyecto de CREA Internacional de El Salvador». CREA Internacional de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, p. 132 p. : photogr., 1996.
B. E. European C. Brussels y Louvain-la-Neuve, B. E. H. Y. D. R. O. - R. an, «Evaluation complementaire du programme regional solaire (P.R.S.)». HYDRO - R & D, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, p. 153 p. + ca. 60 p. annexes : fig., tab., 1996.
M. A. Grant y Ziel, C. A., «Evaluation of a simple screening test for faecal pollution in water», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 13-18: 5 tab., 1996.
G. P. Alabaster, Coffey, M., y Wegelin-Schuringa, M. H. A., «Evaluation of novel pit-latrine exhauster with improved access for low-income settlements». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 2 p. : 1 fig., 1 tab., 1996.
S. S. Musingarabwi y Chibanda, M. R., «Evaluation of the implementation of Africa 2000 initiative programme in Zimbabwe». Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 21 p., 1996.
D. Hall y Goss, P., «An evaluation of the Qacha's Nek village water supply project». Sechaba Consultants, Maseru, Lesotho, p. 37 p. + 12 p. annex. : 15 tab., 1996.


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