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Found 23551 results
K. Kavanagh, Woollcombe, S., Aripko, B., y Braide, E., «Child-to-child approach for health education action : activity sheets». UNICEF, Lagos, Nigeria, p. 46 p. : fig., 1993.
C. J. Austin, «Chlorinating household water in The Gambia», in Water, sanitation, environment and development : proceedings of the 19th WEDC conference, Accra, Ghana, 6-10 September 1993, 1993, pp. P. 90-92.
WASH -Arlington, VA, US, «Cholera prevention and control : assessing the options in water, sanitation, and hygiene education : a storyboard live presentation : presenter's guide and notes». Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 38 p.: fig. + 8 diskettes, 1993.
A. Louw y Holiday, J., «Choosing an appropriate sanitation system», in Water, environment and management : proceedings of the 18th WEDC Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 30 August - 3 September 1992, 1993, pp. P. 235-238: ill.
K. S. Lokesh y Ramesh, B. M., «Chromium removal from industrial wastewater : hexavalent chromium removal from industrial wastewater using Pongamia Pinnata shell as an adsorbent», in Water, environment and management : proceedings of the 18th WEDC Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 30 August - 3 September 1992, 1993, pp. P. 59-61: 2 tab.
IDRC -Ottawa, Ont., CA, International Development Research Centre, [Cities feeding people series reports], vol. nos. 1-40. Ottawa, Ont, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 1993, p. 40 reports.
F. K. Hare y Ogallo, L. A. J., Climate variations, drought and desertification. Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 1993, p. 45 p. : fig., ill., tab.
C. Edwards, «The coil pump : its potential as a low cost water lifting device». University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies, Norwich, UK, p. 49 p. : fig., 1993.
E. Opong, Addom, V., J. Riverson, deG. Johnson, y Nerquaye-Tetteh, B., «Collaboration for sustainable rural development», in Water, sanitation, environment and development : proceedings of the 19th WEDC conference, Accra, Ghana, 6-10 September 1993, 1993, pp. P. 18-22 : 3 tab.
United Nations Economic and Social Council -New York, NY, US, «Committee on Natural Resources : report on the first session (29 March - 8 April 1993)», vol. 1993 supplement no. 8. United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. 44 p., 1993.
P. McIntyre, «Communication case studies for the water supply and sanitation sector». WSSCC Core Group on Information, Education and Communication in WSS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 17 p., 1993.
J. A. Graeff, Elder, J. P., y Booth, E. M., Communication for health and behavior change : a developing country perspective. San Francisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993, p. xxvi, 204 p. : 12 box, 13 fig., 4 tab.
D. de Jong, Ling, J., y Gorre-Dale, E., «Communication in water supply and sanitation : resource booklet». WSSCC Core Group on Information, Education and Communication in WSS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 58 p., 1993.
B. Woods, Communication, technology and the development of people. London, UK: Routledge, 1993, p. xvi, 158 p.: 12 fig., 3 tab.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, «Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) : WATSAN committee members training : trainer's guide». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 17 p.: fig., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, «Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) handpump mechanics training : trainer's guide». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 18 p.: fig., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, «Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark II (VLOM) : how to conduct motivational campaigns : trainer's guide». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 48 p.: ill., 1993.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, «Community based handpump maintenance India Mark II & India Mark III (VLOM) : caretaker's training : trainer's guide». UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 20 p.: fig., 1993.
W. P. Meyer, «Community involvement in municipal solid waste collection in two West African cities : findings of a mission», IRCWD news, pp. p. 11-15: 1 tab., 3 photogr., 1993.
R. Schertenleib y Meyer, W., «Community involvement in municipal solid waste management», Gate : technology and development, pp. p. 25-28: photogr., 1993.
B. Mikkelsen, Yulianti, Y., y Barre, A., «Community involvement in water supply in West Java», Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 52-67: 2 fig., 1993.
L. K. S. E. V. A. N. A. T. H. A. Rajagiriya, «Community managed sewer disposal system : process and progress». SEVANATHA, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, p. 12 p. : fig., map, photogr., 1993.
E. Bwengye, «Community management in Bushenyi», in Water, sanitation, environment and development : proceedings of the 19th WEDC conference, Accra, Ghana, 6-10 September 1993, 1993, pp. P. 225-226.
B. Appleton y Evans, P., «Community management today : the role of communities in the management of improved water supply systems», vol. no. 20. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. iv, 35 p.: 34 box., 1 tab., 1993.
S. Githendu, Mbugua, J., Hartung, H., y Peter, P., «Community participation for sustainable water and sanitation». FAKT, Stuttgart, Germany, p. 25 p.: drwngs, 1993.


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