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F. Z. Njau, «Strengthening from within : the role of the Ministry's UNDP-supported project in the development and application of strategies». Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 14 p.: photogr., 1992.
CEHA -Amman, JO, WHO/EMRO Regional Centre for Environmental Health Activities, «Training course on environmental health information networking and services», vol. no. 9. Centre for Environmental Health Activities (CEHA), Amman, Jordan, p. 130 p.: fig., 1992.
N. L. S. A. W. A. - Ede, Oegstgeest, N. L. C. E. B. E. M. O. -, y Tamale, G. H. Tamale Arc, «Village water reservoirs project Tamale, Ghana : half yearly progress report January - June 1992». SAWA, Ede, The Netherlands, p. 35 p. : tab., fig., 1992.
A. K. Biswas, «Water for Third World development : a perspective from the South», International journal of water resources development, pp. p. 3-9, 1992.
J. Jigabha, Water metering development in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, vol. no. 52. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, 1992, p. 73 p.: 22 fig., 1 map, 21 tab.
E. W. Muya y Macharia, D., «Where there is no librarian : an information management manual». Environment Liaison Centre International, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 84, viii p.: drwng., photogr., 1992.
K. Alison, «Workshop for the Danube emissions management decision support project (DEMDESP), Dubravka, Czechoslovakia, May 24-27, 1992», vol. no. 378. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. v, 75 p.: 3 photogr., 1992.
V. Navarrete, Perez, S., y Garcia, J., «Adiestramiento para la prevencion y control de las enfermedades gastrointestinales en el sector agua : habilitacion de un laboratorio de emergencia», vol. no. 5. Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 42 p. : fig., photogr., 1991.
V. Olvera y Bravo, L., «Adiestramiento para la prevencion y control de las enfermedades gastrointestinales en el sector agua : sistema de informacion», vol. no. 9. Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 25 p. : fig., 1991.
B. Jimenez, «Adiestramiento para la prevencion y control de las enfermedades gastrointestinales en el sector agua : acciones para el control de enfermedades diarreicas en el sector agua», vol. no. 2. Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 10 p., 1991.
M. T. Boot, «Aduk saja dengan lembut : cara memadukan pendidikan higiene dengan penyediaan air dan sanitasi», vol. no. 29I. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. x, 173 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
U. Frohlich, «Cameroon (NW, SW, W) : maintenance and sustainability of community watersupply: workshop Bamenda 19./20. November 1990». Helvetas, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 37 p.: fig., photogr., 1991.
G. B. Commonweal London, «Capacity-building in Mozambique : the Commonwealth contribution». Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, UK, p. 35 p., 1991.
M. Yacoob y Walker, J., «Community management in water supply and sanitation projects : costs and implications», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 30-34, 1991.
C. Wanjala, «Community training syllabus : spring committees' seminars». Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. 28 p., 1991.
del'Energie Publics, «Document-guide de la sensibilisation en matiere d'auto-gestion des infrastructures hydrauliques rurales». Rwanda, Direction de l'Hydraulique Rurale, Kigali, Rwanda, p. 135 p., 1991.
K. Wehrle, «Drinking water supply programme in kabubaten Manggarai, West Flores, Indonesia, implementation by Yayasan St. Klaus : mission report for intercooperation». SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 138 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Environmental health in urban development : report of a WHO Expert Committee, vol. no. 807. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1991, p. vi, 65 p.
J. K. Lugonzo-Campbell, «Financially sustainable gravity fed water catchment schemes in Kenya : following a new approach», in Rainwater catchment for future generations : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems, Keelung, Taiwan, 4-10 August 1991, 1991, pp. P. 361-370.
U. Frohlich y Burgthaler, B., «Hydraulique villageoise au Sahel. I. Document preparatoire pour un seminaire-atelier». MISEREOR, Aachen, Germany, p. 36 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort y DGIS, D. General fo, «India : sector: rural water supply : introduction of management information systems in U.P. Jal Nigam». Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 40 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
I. van Winden y van der Poort, K., «Indo-Dutch Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Project, Kanpur - Mirzapur Under Ganga Action Plan : briefing document». Matrix Consultants, Utrecht, The Netherlands, p. ca. 140 p. : fig., 1991.
J. Hahn, Vrba, J., Aldwell, C. R., Alfoldi, L., Andersen, L. J., Kaden, S., Miller, J. C., y van Waegeningh, H. G., «Integrated land-use planning and groundwater protection in rural areas : a comparative study of planning and management methodologies». UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, France, p. viii, 102 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Inventory of selected training materials in water supply and sanitation», vol. no. 7. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 158 p., 1991.
N. Chaudhuri, Gortworst, H., van Luijk, J., de Lijster, J., y Wegelin-Schuringa, M. H. A., «Jointly breaking a vicious circle : report of the formulation mission institution and community development». Netherlands Embassy, India, New Delhi, India, p. 65 p.: tab., 1991.


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