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TitleManual de promocion de comunidades para sistemas de agua potable y letrinizacion en el medio rural
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsRivas, JLVentura, J. Velasco, O, Roque, JR, D. de la O., C, Oviedo, FA
Paginationca. 200 p.
Date Published1980-01-01
PublisherEl Salvador, Departamento de Acueductos Rurales
Place PublishedSan Salvador, El Salvador
Keywordsaudiovisual aids, communication, community participation, el salvador, health education, m, man7, manuals, rural communities, safe water supply, sanitation, water committees
Custom 1205.1
Translated TitleCommunity promotion manual for drinking water supply and sanitation systems in rural areas

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