Presentations from the WASH Learning Theme 3 - "Water resource management : finding systemic solutions" session of the All Systems Connect... Read more...
Este documento ofrece una descripción general del enfoque implementado por el IRC, BID y AECID en la definición de un marco institucional para el... Read more...
IRC and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) have been supporting El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay to develop and implement rural water monitoring systems. Read more...
IRC's work in Latin America focuses very much on Honduras. In other countries in Latin America and at regional level IRC provides advisory services and carries out research. Read more...
El IRC apoya al Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en el tema de monitoreo de agua y saneamiento rural. Consiste del desarrollo de una guía de indicadores, y apoyo a la aplicación del mismo en El Salvador, Honduras y Paraguay. Read more...
A few weeks ago, an interesting email discussion was held on “water point mapping” D-Groupof the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN). Part of the discussion focused on how much it costs to map or monitor all water systems in a country. Various figures were floating around in the discussion. But when... Read more...
Community-based service providers need regular, structured support that goes beyond ad hoc technical assistance. Read more...
As argued several times, post-construction support is one of the keys to sustainability of rural water supplies. Read more...
José Miguel es circuit rider, especialista responsable de proveer asistencia técnica a un número importante de comités de agua en su zona cerca del departamento de San Vicente, en El Salvador. Read more...
José Miguel is a circuit rider: a technician responsible for providing technical assistance to a number of water committees in his area around San Vicente in El Salvador. There are around 30 water systems on his circuit which he visits regularly. Read more...
List of papers and authors This list contains the titles (translated into Englih) of the papers and their authors of the seminar on sanitation and governance, organised by IRC together with RRAS-CA Red Regional de Agua y Saneamiento de Centro-America) and RAS-ES ( Red de Agua y Saneamiento de El... Read more...
List of presenters and presentations This list contains the presentors and the titles of the presentations (translated into English) of the seminar on sanitation and governance, organised by IRC together with RRAS-CA (Red Regional de Agua y Saneamiento de Centro-America) and RAS-ES (Red de Agua y... Read more...