How do you set up a reliable water supply system when an area is facing ten months of extreme drought every year? How do you make sure that the one thing that matters, your cattle, stay alive? "You start planning for the worst." Read more...
We have started the final year for reaching the Millennium Development Goals, including the one aiming to provide safe water for and access to sanitation for half the world population. The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme of BRAC is one of the largest sanitation implementation... Read more...
BRAC plans to expand its scope beyond WASH to water security and from rural to urban areas, as well as moving from service provider to facilitator. Read more...
The Millenium Water Alliance – Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP) brings together some of the largest NGOs working on WASH in Ethiopia. Just like in the One WASH National Programme, a new and eye catching activity in the second phase of the MWA-EP programme (2014-2017) is the inclusion of Self-supply... Read more...
The Managing Saltwater Intrusion Impacts in Bangladesh (SWIBANGLA) applied research project held two workshops in June 2014: one on groundwater modelling and one on groundwater quality monitoring. Read more...
Multiple-use services can be scaled up, through a stronger focus on accountability towards users' needs Read more...
A diesel or electrically-powered pump provides a step up the technology ladder for rural households with a family well. The main reason for investing is often to irrigate crops, but the water uses and benefits are multiple. Read more...
Sand dams can provide sufficient water for domestic and productive uses even in some very dry environments. But the implementation and scaling-up challenges should not be overlooked. Read more...
Water security means universal, sustainable access to water – and managing the impact of pollution. Read more...
On the 4 th of April, a conference on “Improving Resilience Building Water Strategies in Arid Lands” has gathered about 100 participants in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference aimed at sharing experiences of the Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction (KALDRR) WASH program with experts of the WASH and... Read more...
Climate change is a double whammy which will impact on both the supply and demand sides of WASH services. But taking steps now could make a real difference. Read more...
Service d'eau à usage multiple Potentiel et défis pour les habitants en milieu rural. Read more...
The record of the WASHTech December 2013-webinar on the validation, introduction and scaling up of water and sanitation technologies in a country or a given local area. Read more...
When families invest their own time and money in securing a water supply we should take notice. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study looking at how family wells can be upgraded and improved. Read more...
This MUStRAIN case study examines whether giving communities a greater say in the design of their water supply systems leads to a different mix of uses. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study on greywater reuse in keyhole and vertical gardens in Ethiopia. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study on manual well-drilling.
A report on Fahad Khan Khadim's multifaceted visit from Bangladesh to The Netherlands. Read more...
An event held to support regional implementation of Self-supply. Read more...