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En mars 2011, le Burkina Faso voyait débarquer sur son marché des systèmes d’irrigation une entreprise d’un nouveau genre : international Development Enterprises (iDE), une entreprise sociale, dont l’objectif n’est pas de réaliser des profits mais de permettre à des familles des zones rurales d’... Read more...
Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is a new and promising approach to create demand for open-defecation-free environments and toilets. It uses participatory methods to empower local communities to stop open defecation and to build and use latrines without the support of any external hardware... Read more...
Information, education and communication (IEC) is the longest existing approach to demand creation. The programmes use a mix of messages by mass communication media such as radio, TV, loudspeakers, wall writings and local theatre and personal contacts. Read more...
A chain is as strong as its weakest link. The supply chain analysis assesses each component of the chain. It identifies opportunities and constraints, and ways to overcome the latter. Read more...
Les ressources en eau douce de l’Europe sont sous pression. Pour améliorer la compréhension et la gestion des ressources en eau, l’Agence Européenne de l’Environnement (AEE) a créé une vaste série de données géographiques représentant le réseau hydrologique. L’outil a … Read more...
The poor in small towns in Africa can and do benefit from commercialised water services, says SNV in a new practice brief. As long as water companies are socially responsible and they are backed up by pro-poor policies. Read more...
The poor in small towns in Africa can and do benefit from commercialised water services, says SNV in a new practice brief. As long as water companies are socially responsible and they are backed up by pro-poor policies. SNV say they have achieved positive results through their support of small town... Read more...
Burkina, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Cameroun… La liste est longue des pays qui sont énormément frappés par des inondations avec leurs cortèges de dégâts aussi matériels qu’humains. En général, les populations d’Afrique ont toujours la peur au ventre toutes les fois que le ciel ouvre ses vannes pour... Read more...
El Grupo de Apoyo del IRC al Grupo de Trabajo de África de la Iniciativa por el Agua de la Unión Europea contribuyó a la redacción de dos nuevas notas informativas sobre la Efectividad de la Ayuda en África y Nota informativa sobre el Mapeo del Apoyo de la UE al Saneamiento en África. Read more...
Le projet WASHCost au Ghana a organisé en mars et avril 2012 une formation sur l’approche des coûts à long terme (Life-Cycle Cost Approach – LCCA) dans trois circonscriptions de trois régions du Ghana. Read more...
Cette année, la Semaine mondiale de l’eau ( ) se tiendra du 26 au 30 aout autour du thème : eau et sécurité alimentaire. L’IRC Centre International de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement et ses partenaires co-organisent et participent à plusieurs réunions … Read more...
Under pressure to improve water services, Lira sub-county considers establishing a local water and sanitation board to address issues around maintenance, fee collection and administration. Read more...
Ms Juanita During, the Director of Partnership, Advocacy and Communications at Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, died on 16 August after a brief illness. Read more...
Ms Juanita During, the Director of Partnership, Advocacy and Communications at Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, died on 16 August after a brief illness. A Nigerian national, Ms During was head of governance at WaterAid in Nigeria before she was posted to WSA (... Read more...
At the Stockholm World Water Week 2012, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), together with partners from the Multiple-Use Services (MUS) Group, will be promoting the use of domestic water supplies to improve food security. Water use at the homestead-level, for small-scale production... Read more...
Aid must be used to help local institutions not just develop infrastructure but also operate and maintain water and sanitation services well into the future. Read more...