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Après 20 ans d’intervention au Burkina Faso à travers ses partenaires- Eau-Vive, Wateraid, EAA (ex CREPA)- l’IRC, le Centre International de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, a inauguré le lundi 17 septembre 2012, à Ouagadougou, sa représentation nationale. A la suite du Ghana, le Burkina Faso est le... Read more...
On the 11th of September 2012, IRC debated the pros and cons of sanitation subsidies. These are a common tool used to motivate households to construct toilets. This seems an obvious response: many who lack access to sanitation are extremely poor and the potential public health benefits of universal... Read more...
What started off as a commonplace lecture-like meeting in the Lira District Council Hall, ended up in a spirited discussion about a variety of issues around the delivery of water services in a decentralisation framework. Conditional grants for water and sanitation; mobile phones for water; as well... Read more...
As argued several times, post-construction support is one of the keys to sustainability of rural water supplies. Read more...
Ouagadougou / La Haye, 17 Septembre 2012 : Après vingt ans d’intervention au Burkina Faso à travers différents partenaires - tels que Eau-Vive, Wateraid, Eau et assainissement pour l’Afrique EAA/ WSA - l’IRC Centre International de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, inaugure officiellement ce lundi 17... Read more...
After twenty years of working in Burkina Faso through various local and international partner agencies – among which Eau-Vive, WaterAid, Water and Sanitation for Africa WSA/EEA – the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is officially opening its national representation in Ouagadougou today. Read more...
Yesterday I read an excellent report on how the water sector in Uganda has managed to build a truly national monitoring system. The report is written by the Rural Water Supply Network Read more...
IRC is offering this free online course to assist governments, NGOs, donors and individuals to plan and budget for sustainable and equitable WASH services, using a life-cycle cost approach (LCCA). Register online at: Read more...
L’IRC Centre International de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement a organisé, le 20 août, un débat interne pour ou contre l’ajout d’une clause de durabilité dans les contrats entre les bailleurs et les acteurs de la mise en oeuvre des projets … Read more...
L'IRC Institut International de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement a organisé, le 20 août, un débat interne pour ou contre l'ajout d'une clause de durabilité dans les contrats entre les bailleurs et les acteurs de la mise en oeuvre des projets d'EAPH. Ce débat répond à une demande du Conseil Général... Read more...
On Monday 15 October the first group of 150 participants started the beta version of the Costing Sustainable Services online course for WASH sector professionals. Read more...
La technique de l'assainissement écologique, c'est avant tout l'utilisation des fertilisants EcoSan pour la production, tout en assainissant son cadre de vie. Afin de renforcer les capacités des producteurs bénéficiaires des latrines EcoSan UE4 dans la province de kourittenga sur les techniques d'... Read more...
‘It’s about sustainable water services, not just about pumps and pipes’. That was one of the main messages (and title) of a presentation on monitoring water services in Ghana, presented by Marieke Adank from IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in the ‘Judge us by our outcomes’ session... Read more...
Suite à la S emaine Internationale de l’Eau, qui s’est tenue à Stockolm du 26 au 31 aout 2012, la toile européenne a largement diffusé un article de presse sur la nécessité de mieux gérer l’eau utilisée pour cultiver. Les estimations … Read more...
Una sistematización de experiencias con el uso múltiple del agua en 14 comunidades en diferentes partes de Honduras revela que es una práctica casi universal, con impactos tanto en la economía familiar como en la sostenibilidad de los servicios. Read more...
RAS-HON, as part of a WIN (Water Integrity Network) funded project, developed a manual for facilitators who assist communities and water committees dealing with transparency and accountability issues. The experience of developing the manual has been documented and is presented in a report. Read more...
Various case studies confirm that multiple-use of water is a common practice in rural communities in Honduras. IRC and FHIS developed a guideline to support consideration for these uses in the design and management of rural water supplies. This guideline was applied in a number of communities in... Read more...
“Sanitation is a passion, not a job,” said Noma Neseni last year at the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene in Mumbai, India. Ms. Nomathemba (Noma) Neseni, the Director of the Institute of Water and Sanitation Development (IWSD) and Human Rights Commissioner in Zimbabwe passed away on 30 August... Read more...