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Triple-S country study Burkina Faso.
Water For People adopted the "Everyone, Forever" approach. Read the case study to learn lessons on scaling-up rural water and sanitation services. Read more...
Public-private partnerships potentially harness market incentives to improve service delivery and leverage private capital for investment costs. Read more...
Briefing note on the need to shift from aid effectiveness to development effectiveness to make aid effective at the local level. Read more...
What makes a good monitoring system? They feed into local level planning and decision-making, are realistically designed with existing resource... Read more...
“ If Multiple-Use Services (MUS) is such a good idea, why is it difficult scale-up? “ This question was raised during the MUS seminar at the Stockholm World Water Week. According to Barbara van Koppen (IWMI), finding an answer to these questions requires an analysis of limitations in the public... Read more...
Professionalisation of community based-management means moving away from the voluntary provision of water services towards a philosophy of service... Read more...
The Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment produced the District Implementation Manual (DIM) in 2007 to support and guide sector stakeholders in the implementation of water and sanitation activities. Read more...
Participants at the Mole Conference XXIII have called for the establishment of a national water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) fund to finance capital maintenance of facilities to ensure sustainability. This is because communities are not able to finance capital maintenance activities on their own... Read more...
IRC Ghana has organised a Life-Cycle Cost Approach (LCCA) training for participants at the Mole Conference XXIII. The main message brought by facilitator Dr Nyarko, country director for WASHCost Ghana, was the need to properly budget for activities throughout the life-time of a system and he... Read more...
Do you want to influence the global Post-2015 WASH agenda? Do you want to ensure that WASH in Schools gets the prominence it deserves? If you do, then join the e-debate on the JMP Post-2015 indicators for WASH in schools. The results will serve as an input for the public consultation of the JMP... Read more...
It’s always difficult call these things, but I think (and hope) that the last couple of weeks may, in retrospect, come to be seen as a watershed on the long and painful road to achieving universal access to water and sanitation services worthy of the name. Read more...
At the Kick-off meeting of the RWSN, IRC’s Stef Smits and Marieke Adank and Aguaconsult CEO Harold Lockwood presented recent findings relating to monitoring, sustainability and post-construction support of rural WASH services. Read more...
This question is the first topic for discussion in a series of three WASH in Schools e-debates scheduled for the coming months. The e-debates will take place in the first week of September, October and November 2012 and will focus specifically on WASH in Schools issues. The topics are inspired by... Read more...
IRC supports WASH Resource Centres and their networks (RCNs) in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Honduras, Nepal and Uganda. In this video RCN coordinators describe what sector learning looks like in their country. Read more...
We all know how successful team GB was at the London Olympics with 29 golds and 65 medals overall. This was a fantastic achievement and the result of years of preparation and putting into practice a comprehensive sports policy for the UK. It wasn’t just investment in the athlete or their equipment... Read more...
En dépit des progrès accomplis depuis quelques années dans le domaine de la survie de l’enfant, la mortalité infanto-juvénile reste élevée au Burkina Faso. Les principales causes de la mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans sont le paludisme, la diarrhée et les infections respiratoires aiguës. Read more...
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"] Photo credit: Wikipedia[/caption] En dépit des progrès accomplis depuis quelques années dans le domaine de la survie de l’enfant, la mortalité infanto-juvénile reste élevée au Burkina Faso. Les principales causes de la mortalité des enfants de moins de... Read more...