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This week has brought a lot of reflecting and sharing about the ways that WASH Resource Centre Networks facilitate sector learning. Today, we spoke to Ton Schouten about the approach undertaken by the Triple-S project. Triple-S has developed a Service Delivery Approach for achieving sustainable... Read more...
WaterHackathon—a collaborative event between software developers and designers to solve water problems—blogged about the benefits and limitations of Field Level Operations Watch (FLOW). Representatives of Water For People, the World Bank, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre shared... Read more...
Residents of East Gonja District discuss challenges associated with the service levels of water facilities in their Local Government Area. Read more...
The Triple-S Project is piloting the Service Delivery Approach in three regions of Ghana: namely the Volta, Brong Ahafo and the Northern Regions. Read more...
The Executive Committee of the East Gonja District has pledged it's commitment to improve water supply to its residents. The commitment was made at a meeting to discuss the state of water systems and management structures in the district. Read more...
Ce mat Chaque année 18 900 burkinabé dont 15 400 enfants meurent prématurément de maladies liées au mauvais assainissement - Photo : Anne MIMAULT in la presse écrite et électronique titrait sur les 86 milliards de F CFA que coûte annuellement au Burkina Faso le faible taux d’assainissement du pays... Read more...
Monitoring is a key factor for sustainability of water services delivery. Although many countries are taking steps to integrate monitoring into service provision, there are numerous challenges that need to be addressed, as was highlighted recently at the World Water Forum in Marseille. Read more...
On 21 March 2012, WASH Advocates celebrated World Water Day 2012 by organising the “Get Schooled on WASH” learning sessions. Read more...
How different or similar are the activities and outcomes of the Resource Centres Networks (RCNs) that IRC is collaborating with on strengthening sector learning? What the resource centres from Ghana, Nepal, Uganda and Burkina Faso have in common is that All resource centres are carrying out... Read more...
The term 'sector learning' has been coined and promoted by IRC as a key element in improving the ability of WASH sector actors to provide sustainable services to all. It is an elusive concept with multiple meanings and layers or perhaps no meaning at all (some say that s ector learning does not... Read more...
Le 10 avril 2012 paraissait dans le Quotidien Burkinabè Sidwaya un article de Adama Ouédraogo sur la pénurie d’eau dans la ville de Houndé. 55 000 habitants de la commune de Houndé seraient touchés, depuis janvier de cette année, par le manque d’eau. L’ONEA assure qu’un plan d’urgence est en train... Read more...
Le 10 avril 2012 paraissait dans le Quotidien Burkinabè Sidwaya un article de Adama Ouédraogo sur la pénurie d’eau dans la ville de Houndé. 55 000 habitants de la commune de Houndé seraient touchés, depuis janvier de cette année, par le manque d’eau. L’ ONEA assure qu’un plan d’urgence est en train... Read more...
Here, we provide you with the full reference list for "Self Supply: the case for leveraging greater household investment in water supply" Read more...
IRC has supported WASH Resource Centre Networks in 5 countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Honduras, Uganda and Nepal) since 2003. In April 2011, we came together as a group to share our reflections about sector learning, theories of change and visions for the WASH sector. Read more...
The WASH policy development process in Honduras, which took place at both national level, as well as at the level of 13 municipalities, resulted in the development of two manuals, one for national level policy development and one for municipal WASH policy development. Read more...
Que se passe-t-il dans le secteur AEPHA au Burkina Faso ? Read more...
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="202"] Source / Map: African Development Bank Group, 2012.[/caption] IRC AEPHA faits marquants (May 2012) Que se passe-t-il dans le secteur AEPHA au Burkina Faso ? Au Burkina Faso, plus de 75% de la population vit en milieu rural. Le taux d’accès à l’eau... Read more...
Mercredi 18 avril se tiendra à 18h30 à l’Institut français de Ouagadougou une nouvelle édition du Maquis des Sciences sur le thème : Les villes mangent-elles bien ? De nos jours l’urbanisation connaît une croissance galopante. L’Afrique n’est pas en marge de cette croissance. Ainsi avec l’envolée... Read more...
Pierre Marie Grondin est directeur du Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau). Créé en 1984, pour faciliter la coopération décentralisée et non gouvernementa le dans les domaines de l’eau et l’assainissement entre la France et les pays du Sud, ce réseau réunit aujourd’hui … Read more...