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The traditional NGO advocacy model focuses on creating pressure for change through ‘awareness raising’ activities. The idea is that if people are aware of the need for change, it will happen. But does this approach really work? And more specifically, is it an effective path to influencing the... Read more...
The Philippine government – together with the World Bank, the United Nations through the Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F) and other development partners – have launched a ‘local water governance toolbox’. The toolbox is aimed at small-scale water service providers (SSWPs) with... Read more...
Maquis des sciences, mercredi 28 mars 2012 à 18h30 à l'Institut Français du Burkina à Ouagadougou (ex. CCF). Entrée gratuite Y-at-il assez d'eau pour tous les burkinabé ? Alors que le 6ème Forum Mondial de l’Eau est organisé en France du 12 au 17 mars 2012, la question des perspectives en matière d... Read more...
Le 7 Mars dernier, IRC et la Florida International University (FIU), ont signé un accord permettant à IRC d’élargir ses activités de recherche-action sur la fourniture de services d’eau durables au Burkina Faso, dans le cadre du programme Ouest-africain pour l’eau, l’assainissement et l’hygiène (WA... Read more...
“The goal of universal access to clean water is far from complete”, says IRC Programme Officer Stef Smits on CNN International on World Water Day 2012. Read more...
On 7 March 2012, IRC and Florida International University ( FIU ), finalised the agreement to expand IRC’s work on sustainable service delivery into Burkina Faso under the USAID programme: West Africa Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Initiative (WA-WASH). Read more...
Mr Sojan K Thomas, from Gram Vikas, shares the secrets behind this ground-breaking success in India. While narrating key principles that Gram Vikas followed in promoting total sanitation, he emphasises the cost sharing practices between the family and organisation. Read more...
The chairperson of Kabarole District, Uganda has hailed Triple-S intervention in the district saying it would lead to improved sustainability of water services. This was during the World Water Day celebrations in the district. Read more...
Translating Research into National-Scale Change: A Case Study from Kenya of WASH in Schools, 2011. SWASH Project. Read more...
Effectiveness of Large Scale Water and Sanitation Interventions: the One Million Initiative in Mozambique , October 2011. Full-text (pdf) Chris Elbers, et al. The One Million Initiative of the Government of Mozambique aims at supplying access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation for one... Read more...
Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial Matthew C. Freeman, Leslie E. Greene, et al. Objectives There has been increased attention to access to water, sanitation and... Read more...
African governments need to implement sanitation and water plans to accelerate progress made towards improving services especially for the poor and marginalized, demands the Executive Secretary of the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS), Mr Ben Arthur. Read more...
The presentation titled: “ Talk sustainability, get action” , focused on how the Triple-S Project mainstreamed awareness raising through all the project phases. Read more...
La Haye / Accra, 21 Mars 2012: En ce jour où l’ONU met l’accent sur la sécurité de l’eau et de l’alimentation, l’IRC, le Centre International de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, lance un appel pour de changements politiques visant à … Read more...
The Resource Centre Network(RCN) has a published a set of “ WASH Reflections ”, a monthly communiqué on highlights of the National Level Learning Alliance platform meetings held in Ghana. Read more...
Alana Potter, lead author of the WASHCost working paper on "Assessing hygiene cost-effectiveness", explains the importance of changing hygiene behaviours and its relevance to safe water on World Water Day. Read more...
The Ministry of Water and Energy (MOWE) has endorsed a ‘National Policy Guideline for Self Supply in Ethiopia’ as part of efforts to support scaled up water services provision through the self supply approach. Read more...
Du 12 au 17 mars 2012 s’est tenu à Marseille, dans le sud de la France, le 6ème Forum Mondial de l’Eau. La soixantaine de participants de la délégation burkinabè représentait l’ensemble des acteurs du domaine de l’eau et de l’assainissement au Burkina Faso : ministres, directeurs de structures... Read more...