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Triple-S Uganda has partnered with SNV Uganda and Makerere University to introduce a new way of collecting data on the functionality of rural water sources - using mobile phones. Read more...
Le Bénin perd 52 milliards de francs CFA chaque année à cause d’un mauvais assainissement. Ce qui équivaut à 1,5% du PIB national. La raison, même si elle est surprenante est toute simple. A ce jour, 2,5 millions de Béninois utilisent des latrines insalubres ou partagées et 5,2 millions de Béninois... Read more...
Comment tendre vers un apprentissage sectoriel, une gestion des connaissances ? ou comment améliorer les pratiques actuelles en matière de gestion des connaissances ? les acteurs du secteur HAEP du Burkina veulent faire le pas. Comment tendre vers un apprentissage sectoriel, une gestion des... Read more...
Organised by the Centre Africain pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement ( CREPA ), this meeting will focus on the need to improve investment in the water and sanitation sector in Africa. About 200 participants are expected from development organisations, bilateral and multi-lateral groups, civil... Read more...
« Les Palabres de l’eau » sont des conférences-débats entre professionnels de l’information ceux de l’eau et de l’assainissement. L’édition inaugurale de « Palabres de l’eau » s’est tenue à l’Eau Vive, à Ouagadougou le 4 octobre 2011 sur le thème « Les Communes face au défi de la gestion des... Read more...
De février à mai 2011, l’IRC et le Réseau National des Centres de Ressources (RCR-BF) ont mené une étude commune concernant les pratiques en cours dans le secteur HAEP burkinabé en matière de partage des connaissances et de gestion des informations. Read more...
Investment in water and sanitation in the rapidly urbanising cities of the developing world is key if we are to avoid uncontrollable poverty and ever worsening slums, says WaterAid in a manifesto released on 3 October 2011. Read more...
John Sauer, Water for People, and Nick Dickinson, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, identify what is needed to properly and sustainably provide WASH services. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) organisations are often asked by donors to quantify their projects in unit cost or cost... Read more...
The Country Team Leader of Triple-S Ghana, Mrs Vida Duti launched the Triple-S 13-Country study and the Ghana study reports during the Learning Alliance Meeting in Accra. Read more...
Millions of people across the globe celebrated the 4th annual Global Handwashing Day on 15 October 2011, emphasising the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective, simple, and affordable way to prevent disease. Read more...
During the 2011 edition of the MOLE Conference Series, the Community Water and Sanitation Agency and IRC, through the Triple-S Project presented a paper entitled: "Governance, accountability and aid effectiveness: Towards sustainable rural water services ” . The Conference was held under the theme... Read more...
Triple-S is working with rural water stakeholders in Ghana to establish a well defined and participatory monitoring and evaluation system that adequately measures and reports on parameters/indicators for assessing water services in terms of sustainability and functionality. Read more...
Triple-S works to forge a closer working relationship between Ghana's business community and other water sector stakeholders. Read more...
“The story is now published. Your expertise was very helpful in sorting between the claims of the different parties, but I unfortunately didn’t end up quoting you directly due to space constraints,” Jeremy Weber, News Editor Christianity Today magazine wrote on 6 October 2011 in response to a reply... Read more...
In October 2011 Darren Saywell left the International Water Association (IWA) to join Plan International USA as Director WASH/CLTS. For the past 7 years, Darren was Regional Group and Programmes Director at IWA, responsible for the association’s programmes and presence … Read more...
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is one of three women who were jointly awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Mrs Sirleaf became Africa’s first female elected head of state in 2005, following the end of Liberia’s 14-year civil war which left … Read more...