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Assessing Sanitation Service levels: A New Approach is the article by Alana Potter, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, that was published in: Sanitation Matters, Issue 2, 2011. Read more...
Table of Contents of the Occasional Paper on "Life-cycle costs of rainwater harvesting systems" Read more...
Conclusions of the occasional paper on "Life-cycle costs of rainwater harvesting systems" Read more...
Executive summary of the occasional paper on "Life-cycle costs of rainwaterharvesting systems" by WASHCost, IRC and the Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network. Read more...
Investment in water and sanitation in the rapidly urbanising cities of the developing world is key if we are to avoid uncontrollable poverty and ever worsening slums, says WaterAid in a manifesto released on 3 October 2011. The manifesto's author Timeyin Uwejamomere of WaterAid said: "Water and... Read more...
Approximately one in three rural water supply systems in developing countries does not function at all or is performing well below its expected level. Failure on this scale represents hundreds of millions of dollars in wasted investment and millions of people who have had to return to fetching... Read more...
La Fondation Chirac, membre du Conseil Mondial de l'Eau et du Partenariat français pour l'Eau, organise en partenariat avec la République du Mali et l'Autorité du Bassin du Niger (ABN) un forum sur la " Solidarité pour l'eau dans les pays du Bassin du Niger Read more...
Accountancy firm Deloitte is providing pro bono services to help develop a public online tool for corporate water accounting. The tool allows companies to more easily identify and collaborate with businesses, relevant governments, NGO and communities to advance sustainable water management, a... Read more...
Le parti, le Sursaut de la Jeunesse pour la Nation, a adressé un appel aux autorités mauritaniennes pour prendre rapidement les mesures adéquates, afin de faire face aux dangers résultant de la faiblesse des quantités de pluies enregistrées cette année. Read more...
On Friday 21 October, Triple-S Uganda organised a media dialogue in Kampala, which attracted over 25 journalists and editors from print and electronic media as well as officials from the Ministry of Water and Environment, Directorate of Water Development (Rural Water Department) and actors from Non... Read more...
A new UN report says the international community has to date paid little attention to the growing problem of medical waste around the world, especially in developing countries. The report was released in September 2011 by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxic waste Calin Georgescu. “... Read more...
A poll of 1,013 adults found that more Americans would choose providing clean water for the world than accepting US$ 1 million for themselves. More Americans, however, would take the US$ 1 million rather than single-handedly stopping global warming, rescuing the world’s rainforests or saving the... Read more...
“ We just take the programmes as they fall upon us, with their conditions. One donor uses a per capita threshold of 150 US$/capita and wants us to follow one approach, and we will do that. Another uses a threshold of 250 US$/day, but with another approach, and a different degree of community... Read more...
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Two articles on sanitation written by Dick de Jong including one with Ghana journalist Harriette Naa Lamiley Bentil made it into a glossy Global Water Issues book published in the USA Department of State, International Information Program in July 2011, Read more...
In an upcoming IRC Occasional Paper (OP Series 46), IRC, WASHCost and the Rain Foundation will present findings from a Rainwater Harvesting Study. Research indicates that collecting water from rain can be advantageous on many levels. If one takes into account the life-cycle costs of the system and... Read more...
La ville de Sumbe, chef-lieu de la province de Kwanza Sul, pourra bénéficier bientôt d’un projet du secrétariat d’Etat en charge des Eaux, financé par la Banque d’Investissement Africain (BAI), en vue d’améliorer la fourniture en eau potable dans cette … Read more...
Organisation : Centre Africain pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement (CREPA). Cet événement va regrouper près de 200 participants provenant d’organisation de développement, de structures de la coopération bilatérale et multilatérale, d’Organisations de la société civiles, et de hauts Responsables... Read more...
The World Bank Institute has published online an earlier Christine Sijbesma, Suma Mathew, and K. Balachandra Kurup case study Community-Managed Sanitation in Kerala, India: Tools to Promote Governance and Improve Health . WBI did this in a 12- page analysis dated January 2010 of IRC and SEUF work... Read more...