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IRC’s Christine Sijbesma wrote an innovative profile on gender and sanitation in Kerala for the World Bank Institute. Gender equity strategies must be explicitly developed, tested, and documented during the learning phase if they are to be mainstreamed during scale-up. This is needed for... Read more...
Supporting Rural Water Supply takes a critical look and asks why are 30 to 40% of rural water systems failing in developing countries? And how can we support the adoption of a service delivery approach – one that moves beyond implementing infrastructure projects to delivering a reliable and... Read more...
Water Services that Last website launched
O sector de Água, Saneamento e Higiene –ASH têm informação limitada no que concerne a custos e seu historial. Tentando responder a isto, vimos que publicações com base nos contratos desencadeia uma discussão vigorosa nos custos unitários. Esta informação está neste momento a ser usada para... Read more...
O presente documento tem dois objectivos fundamentais: primeiro, apresentar e analisar os valores dos contractos do PEC Zonal (2008-2011), e segundo, prever os custos para 2012 a 2016. Read more...
When Triple-S Uganda opened office in Lira district, there was nothing like coordination of WASH actors. Coordination had stopped with the disbandment of the WASH Cluster and the closure of the UNICEF office in the district. Triple-S worked with the District Water Office to give a new beginning to... Read more...
Lira district hosted the 2011 independence day celebrations, graced by the President of Uganda. Read more...
The International Islamic Relief Organization of Saudi Arabia ( IIROSA ) has constructed wells to provide drinking water for residents of several Somali villages facing water scarcity. The project benefitted 50,000 families displaced by the country’s severe drought. The IIROSA also provided 35... Read more...
The dissemination of knowledge in a way that is useful and convincing is just as important as producing this knowledge. Read more...
Paper presented at the East Africa practioners workshop on pro-poor urban sanitation and hygiene, Laico Umbano Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda, march 29th - Read more...
Paper presented at the East Africa practioners workshop on pro-poor urban sanitation and hygiene, Laico Umbano Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda, march 29th -... Read more...
Workers in many clothing and textile factories in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal are denied proper sanitation facilities, a trade union survey has found. Workers were not supplied with toilet paper and being forced to use pieces of fabric, SA Clothing and Textile Workers' Union (SACTWU) secretary Chris... Read more...
Various recent sanitation sources and resources were used by Leonie Kappauf in her research study Opportunities and constraints for more sustainable sanitation through sanitation marketing in Malawi , Case study from Mzimba and Lilongwe districts , for her Master of Science research at Lougborough... Read more...
The World Bank and USAID sponsored a discussion of the Sustainable Services at Scale (Triple-S) research report at World Bank headquarters. Read more...
El trabajo aquí desarrollado constituye un esfuerzo para identificar acciones dirigidas a garantizar la Prestación de Servicios Sostenibles a Escala, más conocida como Triple-S por sus iniciales en inglés. Read more...