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Ewen Le Borgne shares his reflections from the 2011 Share Fair, and three very interesting and complementary sessions on a) the IFAD experience of putting KM and learning into practice (#218) b) using social media for development (#206) and c) IKM-Emergent's idea of a knowledge ecology (#173). Read more...
«D’ici un an et plus tard, le partenariat entre Charity Water et le CREPA permettra non seulement de fournir de l’eau potable à une grande majorité de personnes, mais fournira également un cadre de vie assaini a plusieurs ménages en vue de l’atteinte des OMD. Avec le CREPA nous pensons pouvoir... Read more...
The UN's latest Millennium Development Goals Report notes that progress in sanitation has largely bypassed the poor while rural populations remain disadvantaged. At the current rate of progress, it will take until 2049 to provide 77 per cent of the global population with improved sanitation. Read more...
The WASH Process Documentation Workshop held in Kampala, Uganda in September 2011, was successful in encouraging participants to become more enthusiastic about process documentation and its benefits. Process Documentation provides a systematic way to capture what happens in a process of change, and... Read more...
Each issue of WASHplus Weekly highlights new resources and publications on a wide range of topics related to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air quality (IAQ). Read more...
Four young professionals from Southern partners from Bangladesh, Ghana, Guatemala, and Uganda started training for one month at IRC, as part of the second round of the PSO-funded Southern Youth Zone Programme from 2010 to 2012. Read more...
This daily newsletter brings you the latest news items, videos and publications spotted by sanitation experts. Read more...
Documenting change is a vitally important activity for learning from and improving the work carried out in development initiatives. Read more...
How to measure the impacts of knowledge sharing? Are the platforms and processes we use for learning and knowledge sharing leading to change? To better ways of working? How can we demonstrate the Return on Investment of Knowledge Management? Read more...
Le village de Bagmnini dispose depuis le 21 août 2011, d’un forage, grâce au soutien du Lions club Ouaga étoile. Le président du club, Silmiraogo Nabalma, a situé cette œuvre dans la logique du lionnisme et des Lions qui volent toujours au secours des plus démunis. L’’idée de la construction du... Read more...
A team of engineering students from Brigham Young University (BYU) has developed a human-powered drill that can reach a depth of up to 75 metres at 10% to 20% the cost of a traditional motorized well rig. A prototype of the “Village Drill” cost around US$ 4,000 (excluding labour) to make in the USA... Read more...
A team of engineering students from Brigham Young University (BYU) has developed a human-powered drill that can reach a depth of up to 75 metres at 10% to 20% the cost of a traditional motorized well rig. A prototype of … Read more...
Why do families build toilets? If the family tradition for many generations has been to defecate in the open – using local woods or accepted sites, then what is the incentive to make a break and opt for a toilet instead? Read more...
Accelerated and sustainable progress in sanitation and hygiene is within reach in Asia, as long as we aim at district-wide coverage and build a broad alliance under leadership of local governments. This is the main conclusion of sanitation and hygiene experts from five countries (Nepal, Bhutan,... Read more...
This is a call for participants and contributors to an in-depth learning and sharing session on sanitation in rapidly-growing towns. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, together with UCLGA , WIN-SA and AusAid , are hosting a Learning and Sharing Workshop around this crucial topic in... Read more...
At the Third Ghana Water Forum held in Accra, 5 - 7 September 2011, WASHCost presented research findings, new briefing notes, and the country coordinator discusses the way forward. Mr. Eugene Appiah-Effah, a WASHCost Ghana Research Officer presented on the topic ‘Cost of rural and small town water... Read more...
IRC’s Patrick Moriarty in his recent blog post It’s the (political) economy stu…, proposed a model on evidence only being as good as the political economy in which it operates, is picked up in the blog Aid on the Edge of Chaos. This blog is exploring complexity and evolutionary sciences in foreign... Read more...
Next week Monday the second global ShareFair is kicking off in the IFAD buildings in Rome. Read more...
This is an overdue blog post but as they say (who are THEY anyway?): "better late than never". Back in July this year, the Resource Centre Network of Burkina Faso (RCN-BF) organised a meeting that focused very much on its legacy so far and on ways forward. With the perspective of diminishing... Read more...