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The case of KIEMP [Kampala Integrated Environmental Planning and Management Project] : case study presented at the East Africa practioners workshop... Read more...
Background paper presented at the East Africa practioners workshop on pro-poor urban sanitation and hygiene, Laico Umbano Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda,... Read more...
If it is possible to move in a few years from an iPod to an iPhone or and iPad, why are we in the water sector still struggling with the handpump? When can we expect the iPump 2.0? Did Steve Jobs die too early to invent this? As the naked truth about poor levels of functionality of hand pumps... Read more...
A Cotonou, dans les bas-fonds situés dans les quartiers populaires, les habitants sans latrines, se soulagent dans les eaux stagnantes avoisinantes. Nous sommes à Fifadji, un quartier populaire de Cotonou, au Bénin. Il est douze heures et Sèdami, vient d’acheter quatre boules d’akassa (mets à base... Read more...
A Cotonou, dans les bas-fonds situés dans les quartiers populaires, les habitants sans latrines, se soulagent dans les eaux stagnantes avoisinantes. Read more...
We all know the value of face-to-face discussions to inspire and engage. but how do you effectively involve people who cannot be there, and how do you capture a multitude of sessions, viewpoints and impressions? Read more...
L'autre jour, The Guardian , a publié un article qui soutenait que les projets d'eau et d'assainissement ne sont pas assez porteurs et qu’ils ne sont donc pas prêts à y investir. Read more...
Despite having considerable solar and wind potential, renewable energy makes a minimal contribution to power generation across most of the MENA region, and in particular in the GCC where traditionally low cost oil and gas production has stifled its development. According to the latest report by... Read more...
In a recent interview with MediaGlobal from New York Political motivation in sub-Saharan Africa essential for reaching sanitation MDGs Dick de Jong and IRC were quoted several times. MediaGlobal also linked to two of the four stories Dick wrote after the AfricaSan 3 conference in Kigali and... Read more...
IRC’s Bettie Westerhof has received nearly 50 thank you emails from IRC WASH Library database users in the first nine months of 2011. Read more...
Guide d’introduction au marketing de l’assainissement, 2011. Une Boîte à outils, sous forme imprimée et en ligne, de Jacqueline Devine et Craig Kullmann, Programme pour l’eau et l’assainissement (WSP). Téléchargez la version intégrale (PDF-English) et consultez la Boîte à outils … Read more...
Work from Christine Sijbesma and co-authors on pocket voting for participation from a 2002 publication Methodology for Participatory Assessments with communities, institutions and policy makers (WSP) has been used by two new resource guides in 2011. Read more...
BRAC has been implementing the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme in 150 sub-districts of Bangladesh with a focus of achieving MDG 7; target 10 with support from the Government of the Netherlands since 2006. Read more...
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools is globally recognized as a key intervention to promote children’s right to health and clean environment and to influence a generational change in hygiene behaviours and attitudes. PLAN Uganda through a partnership with NETWAS Uganda conducted a... Read more...
The Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) in Ghana is benefitting from the second phase of the Southern Youth Zone programme (SYZP) organized by IRC. The programme officer, Ms. Basilia Nanbigne, has been selected to represent Ghana in this programme, their training started in... Read more...
Du 5 au 8 décembre prochain, Ouagadougou la capitale du Burkina Faso abrite une importante rencontre sur le Thème « financement de l’eau et de l’assainissement pour tous en Afrique » à l’initiative du Centre Africain pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement (CREPA). … Read more...
Le Centre Africain pour l’Eau Potable et l’Assainissement (CREPA) vient d’être lauréat du Certificat des bonnes pratiques 2011 du Programme des Nations Unies pour les établissements humains (UN -Habitat). Le certificat des bonnes pratiques a été décerné pour la première fois cette année en... Read more...
African ministers have committed to do what they can ‘in our own back yard’ by using local finance for sanitation rather than depend on hand-outs. They were following the advice of President Kagame of Rwanda who opened AfricaSan 3, the … Read more...