Menstrual Hygiene Day, my bloody favourite day of the year. Read more...
IRC Burkina Faso had an ambitious target: to reach 3.6 million people with an important public health announcement for good hygiene behaviours. A message of critical importance in times of Covid-19 and beyond. Read more...
IRC Burkina Faso seeks to reach 3.6 million people with a critical public health message. Read more...
Tune in to Next Radio 106.1 and listen to Jane Nabunnya discussing the importance of handwashing. Read more...
Join another webinar on 13 October to advance the hand hygiene agenda in India Read more...
In Burkina? Join us for a live event in Stadium Esplanade of August 4th, Ouagadougou Thursday 15 and Friday 16 October 2020, 03:00 pm. Read more...
Join webinar on 12 October to explore opportunities, identify challenges and brainstorm solutions to advance hand hygiene in India. Read more...
Join this webinar on 12 October to explore opportunities, identify challenges and brainstorm solutions to advance hand hygiene in India. Read more...
Health centres, schools, public places and the population of Banfora in Burkina Faso have received health equipment and products in the fight against COVID-19 from IRC, ECG and CRS. Read more...
Les centres de santé, les écoles, les lieux publics et la population de Banfora ont reçu du matériel et des produits sanitaires dans la lutte contre la maladie à coronavirus de l’IRC, ECG et CRS. Read more...
Effective WASH services are a source of resilience for communities under threat from COVID-19 Read more...
Material prepared by a team from the Ghana National Development Planning Commission and IRC Ghana They have featured in a video promoting handwashing nationally and internationally, which was also shown on Twitter. The students did not know at the time they were being filmed that they were going to... Read more...
The Roundtable for WASH in Emergencies meets every two weeks to monitor progress of the emergency response plan. Read more...
A stakeholder network has formulated a WASH response to the pandemic in Honduras as contribution to the broader public health response; and continued public service delivery. Read more...
The municipality of Banfora has held its second annual review of drinking water, hygiene and sanitation projects and programmes. Read more...
La mairie de Banfora a tenu sa deuxième revue annuelle des projets et programmes d’eau potable, hygiène et assainissement. Read more...
IRC Burkina has received funding for a new project on capacity building of governance for WASH in 93 municipalities. Read more...
Water and sanitation comprise an increasingly important focus for global health and development philanthropy, but the approach has often been piecemeal, resulting in broken pipes and pumps, disillusioned donors, and suffering beneficiaries. Read more...
La commune de Banfora a effectué un diagnostic organisationnel de son service technique en charge de l'eau, l'hygiène et l'assainissement (SEHA) en novembre 2018. Read more...
A cause d'instabilité au Burkina Faso, l'accès à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement est faible dans le Sahel et le Nord. Read more...